
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Picture Saturday, Thanksgiving, and other things

Seven Random Facts!

1.) I know when I started this post, I had a bajillion things to say. Now I have nothing.

Happy belated Thanksgiving!

Not only did we feast, we played Crack the Case.

And took selfies

It was really rather jolly.

2.) I am done with the illustrations for Jack's book!! I am happy! It's been fun. It's been a freaking challenge sometimes, but it's been fun.

3.) Speaking of illustrations, I finished the character sketch for my brother. I am really rather proud of it. The lion is supposed to be ethereal. He's saber-toothed. He's cool.

4.) Drawing is one of those things I love, but I hate. Most of the time, I love it. Heck, even when I'm in the "I hate drawing" mood, I love it. But there are some times, when I look at my work, and then I look at other people's work.... and I fall into the pit of despair. Like, "How dare I call myself an artist! My drawings stink!" *cue sniffles and going on a youtube/pinterest binge.* Oh well.

Thanks to Kat, I now have a picture that sums
up how I feel about my artwork.

5.) Having finished Supernatural (actually, we just caught up with the episodes being aired right now...) we started watching Agents of SHIELD. Oooooooooh. There's a show I can recommend!! (much, much faster than I'd ever recommend Supernatural. It's way cleaner.) I love it! Coulson and Fitzsimmons are the best, but I actually started liking the whole team. Just yes. Go watch it.



6.) This is what happens when Bella and I sit next to each other with a piece of paper. We filled up both sides with Supernatural quotes. We are bizarre.

7.) I'm actually using my Dad's computer right now. For some stupid reason, I can't upload pictures to my blog on mine. ARG! Anyone know why that is?

8.) Can you guys freaking believe that it's the last day of November!? Christmas is only a little over three weeks away!!

I am so excited!!

Cheers and God bless,

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Think about it....
50 years of Doctor Who. 
That's a long time. 
Quite long, indeed. 
Which is why there is extreme cause for celebration. 

*Cue celebration*  

So, want to know something funny? 
Almost everyone in my family is a Whovian. This means that the 50th anniversary is a pretty big deal at our house.
The thing is.... we don't have cable.

So at the time of the airing, we go to BBCAmerica, where we thought we would be able to watch it. The countdown began. And three...two... one.... 


Frantic typing away ensued, while everyone in the house with a computer tried to figure out how to watch the special. We couldn't find anywhere.

Horror set in. 

We were going to miss the once in a lifetime experience. 
No, scratch that. We were missing the once in a lifetime experience. 

And then... magic happened. 
We remembered that our friends up the street have cable. 

One phone-call later, we were all on our way over. 

We only missed the first ten minutes. 

Isn't that lovely?!?

It was really, really good, you guys. It was super fun! And while I still don't think of John Hurt as the Doctor, I liked how they explained him. 

Anyway, to celebrate, I decided to redo the Doctor Who tag from Tasha's blog party last year. 

1.) If you decided to name your first born child after any Doctor Who character, male or female, who would it be?
     Amy. Because I love Amy and even like her name. (and that way, I'd also be naming her after my sister, so it's a bloody win/win.)

2.) What is your favourite colour of the Doctor's shoes?
Oh, I like the red ones.

3.) Look around yourself and name the one thing that is TARDIS blue in your house!
     My TARDIS. Obviously.

4.) The Doctor is going back in time again, which historical era should he visit?
     The American Revolution. Meet Washington. Awweeesomme. 

5.) Would you REALLY go with the Doctor in the TARDIS?
     Eeeeeh. I'm a coward. I don't know.

6.) Who's your favorite Doctor and why?
     Before, it was Nine. I love Nine, he's fantastic. But then we got to Eleven.... and he became my favorite really fast. He's super sweet, but he reminds me of Nine in a lot of ways. 

I don't think he gets enough love.

7.) Would you be afraid to spend Christmas in London?
     Nope. I have total faith in the Doctor. 

8.) Do you look at an ordinary screwdriver and think 'this could be a bit more sonic'?
     Every. Single. Time! It's absurd!

9.) Angel statues, plastic mannequins, Christmas trees - what ordinary everyday object would you love to make an object of terror to Whovians were you Steven Moffat?
     I think cameras. Every day, ordinary cameras that would like... snap you out of this world and into a parallel one that would suck the life out of you slowly. And if you deleted the picture of you, you'd die. 

...... That would be freaky. 

10.) The TARDIS lands in your garden and the Doctor steps out. What is the first thing you say to him?

11.) Who is your favorite actor who has played the Doctor so far and why?
       I really like Matt Smith. He's nice. 

12.) Have you seen any Classic Doctor Who? If so, which Doctor/episode(s) is your favorite?
      I have not. I mean to, eventually, but I'm watching a bunch of others at the moment, and I don't have time.  

13.) Which are the creepiest, scariest and all-out meanest baddies in all the Who-niverse?
      I feel like I should say the Silence, but I can't remember.... who are they? What are they? ..... Silence?

14.) Who is/are your favorite Companion(s) and why?
       Amy and Rory, hands down. I love their relationship with the Doctor, I love their  relationship, and I like their character development. (I also love that they're married and not just together, you know?)

15.) Did you cry more watching Doomsday or The Angels Take Manhattan?
       I think I cried equally. Doomsday was better, plot wise. But Angels Take Manhattan was awful at the end. SO yeah. Equally. 

16.) What is your favorite quote from the show?
       For some reason, the one from Vincent and the Doctor has made itself my favorite. I don't know why. It just makes me happy. 

17.) Which Doctor (including all previous regenerations) would you most like to be the companion of, and why?
Eleven! He's sweet. I like sweet people.

18.) Which of the following are you more scared of, the Daleks, Cybermen, or the Weeping Angles?
       The Weeping Angels. I don't like them. I want them all dead.

19.) Who are some of your favorite guest stars in the series?

20.) What was your first experience with Doctor Who and how did you hear about the series?
       There was a great deal going on about it in the blogging world. And then I went over to someone's house to babysit, and I watched Father's Day and I was like, "I like me this stuff. This stuff is like Star Trek: the Original Series. I must watch more."

And then some friends loaned us Nine's season.
And it all went downhill from there.

21.) The Ninth Doctor said, 'Fantastic!', Ten said, 'Allons-y', and Eleven says, 'Geronimo'; what would you like to be the signature exclamation of the Twelfth Doctor?
      Och, aye.

22.) If you were trapped in an episode, which one would it be?
       I'd be stuck in a library with faulty lighting and shadows that eat people.

23.) Which is your favorite episode with each Doctor (Nine, Ten and Eleven)?
       Nine: Father's Day, and the Parting of Ways
       Ten: New Earth, Silence in the Library, and Doomsday
       Eleven: Most of his. The Vampires of Venice, Amy's Choice, and a Town Called Mercy are some of my favorites.

24.) After watching a certain Doctor Who episode, did you summon up the courage to try fish sticks and custard?
       I haven't yet, but I plan too.

Annnnd, that's it!

It ended up being a really nice day. I wore my Doctor Who shirt:

I blogged:

And did the rough draft for my little sister's TARDIS decorations.

We're going to watch Thor again in theaters tonight.

It should be fun.

Happy Birthday, Doctor Who!

And now I'm going to leave you with this video because it's awesome.


Oh, and PS. Do the Google Doodle. It's fun. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

So much happy

Five Random Facts!

1.) My brother's been watching me work on illustrations for Jack's book. He scowls a lot and says things like, "All I can do is add number together." (He's very good at math.) It's ridiculous how happy that makes me. He's asked me to draw some character sketches for his book. *rubs hands together.* My evil plan is working.

2.) I heard Carry On, My Wayward Son on the radio today. I screamed. It made my day. 

3.) Whenever I listen to Eye of the Tiger, my nieces start jamming like Jensen Ackles. It's really most adorable.

4.) Leverage is now on Netflix! Ha! The awesome!!

I'm so happy.

5.) I've been re-reading a lot of Diana Wynne Jones' books. I think, if they ever make the Chrestomanci Chronicles into movies, they should totally cast Benedict Cumberbatch as Chestomanci. 

He'd be perfect.

Aaand, that's all, pepes!

Cheers and God bless, 


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Cover reveal of awesomeness!

Guess what today is!

It's the day the cover of Jack's new book gets revealed.

In three....




Look how cool it is! Isn't it cool! I'm freaking out here, it looks awesome!


The enemy draws close. Cities will fall. And few can stand in Morcoft's way.

Peter Jones has been betrayed by the man he trusted as his own father. Now he is forced to question everything he has ever been told, and learn the truth of his past. Isidore Thaddeus Reichmann has finally found the person he has hunted all over England for. Yet, not all is as it seems and he begins to fear he might be on the wrong side. Singur faces down his worst fear and comes out a victor, but the price of his triumph may put the last member of his family in grave danger.
Choices now stand before all three young men and the paths they take will not only change their lives, but the whole world.

Battles are coming. Enemies are made. Friendships are questioned. When the only world you've ever known is a lie, where do you go?



About the Author: 
Jack Lewis Baillot is Spartacus! She also likes to believe she's an author. She likes to write books, while drinking tea, and likes to read while eating cookies, but she doesn't like to do Math, even while drinking tea and eating cookies.
You can find more about Jack and her books on her website.

You should definitely read it, Jack's books are awesome, like a cross between Tintin and Redwall and I love them.

Abolished Impracticality is coming out on December 14th.

Y'all should buy it.

That's all, folks!
