In my defense, for most of last week, I was throwing up my organs. (Aliens style. It was gross.) And you know how it is, after the worst part of the flu, when you no longer feel like you're dying, but the thought of doing anything other than sleeping, or binging on TV shows makes you want to vomit? (Like the part where even reading requires too much brain activity....)
And then stuff happened, and basically, it's been two weeks again.
I was like, I'M GONNA DO IT!
And then I was like, I SUCK!
Oh well. I'm not going to give up on it, but until I have WiFi, my blogging schedule will be shaky at best. Bear with me, guys. I'm working on it!
ANYWAY so this Picture Saturday has a bunch of random stuff. (Another reason to wait less long between posts, do you know how long it takes to edit two weeks worth of drawings? Like whoa.)
Yes, I know it's Friday, but I have plans tomorrow. (I know! Me! Plans! WHAT IS THIS INSANITY?)
1.) So first, we have the little fairy that I doodled. She's adorable and fabulous.
2.) And then we have the Leo and Calypso fanart. (I actually like their romance better than Percy and Annabeth's.. don't kill me.)
3.) Calypso. She's not perfect, I need to work on her, but I shall eventually make her look better.)
4.) And Leo! (After Percy, he's my favorite. I think Rick Riordan's gonna kill him that that makes me mad.)
5.) Le sad girl. I actually drew her a few weeks ago, but I forgot about her. That's why her color is not so fabulous.
6.) THE ARTIST THAT I LOVE! I don't know, I just really love the feel of this picture. I think it looks all warm and snazzy. I love it when doodles turn epic.
7.) The windy girl that I liked more before my nieces spilled water on her.
8.) I don't even know.
9.) The gunman guy that kills people and feels ashamed. (Huahuahuah)
10.) LORD OF THE RINGS FANART BECAUSE WE JUST FINISHED A MARATHON AND I'M ON A HIGH. (I'm in the process of drawing Boromir dying. That's what I do.)
And now, we have more
Project My Little Pony Humanized!
This was the first attempt at Pinkie. I don't like her so much.
Help me out guys, if you like my adaptions of the ponies into humans, help me spread the word, yeah? Share them, pin them,
show them around, use the hashtag #MLPhumanized. Help me make it a thiiiiing.
12.) TWILIGHT SPARKLE! (She's my nieces' favorite. They freaked out when I showed her to them, it made me really happy.)
13.) Twilight is a bookworm. She loves studying, she has magic, she's a nerd.
I didn't like this one so much after I colored it. (I need to tell you when I hate stuff. I'm weird that way.)
14.) I'm serious about the studying thing. She's obsessive.
I feel like I may have let the colors get away from me in this one. The couch is too much, I think.
15.) And she has a problem with the creepy, crazy Discord.
16.) She really, really loves books.
17.) She is a princess. She earns wings. She's purple. What's not to love?
I won't lie, I really love this picture.
So, which one's your favorite?
PICK ONE, TELL ME, it will be super fun.
I'm thinking Fluttershy next.
Bah dum tissss!.