
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

So I sing


It's big and exciting, and it makes me nervous, because... nerves.

But whatever!

Amy has posted mah song! Squeeee!

It's very exciting.....

SO! Let me know what you think! And if you liked that, you could subscribe to Pandy's channel and make her freaking day. (Also mine, because it's a group channel)


Treskie out.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

PIcture Saturday -- In which I listen to musicals.

A lot.

Like, we have listened or watched a musical almost every single day for the past two weeks.

Sometimes we just re-listened to Phantom of the Opera, and Jekyll and Hyde. (I think in the last week, we've listened to PoTO like five times, and it's been awesome.) Other times, it was Jane Eyre or Oklahoma, or Pirates of Penzance, and HMS Pinafore.

Tonight we listened to Tale of Two Cities. (James Barbour as Sidney Carton makes me feel things.)

Tomorrow we're going to do The Secret Garden.

We might possibly listen to Phantom again after that.

We really love musicals.

So this week's Picture Saturday is mostly fanart for Phantom. Because I am a Phangirl. (I can't remember a time when I haven't known the musical, so I think it's the best one. I love the music, I love the story, I love the characters. It's the bomb diggety.)

1.) So, Christine. Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again is one of my all time favorite Broadway songs. Such the best.

2.) Christine is adorable.

I don't know why there are weird splotches. Is weird.



4.) My sister's brother was being a brat.... but he gave me this really cool idea.

Princess Assassins.

5.) NINJAAAAAAAAAAA TRAINING. With tiaras and everything. Skillz.

5.) Musicals are a big thing in my life right now. Will and Ada Annie from Oklahoma.

6.) Hannah requested more Steampunk stuff. So I obliged. She further requested jet packs.

I'm very obliging.

I meant to color these in, but I did not, so next week, you'll get the color versions of them.

7.) Jetpaaaaaaaaaacks.

8.) BECAUSE JOSH GROBAN SANG ALL I ASK OF YOU, AND I MELTED. If he ever played Raoul on stage, I might actually flip out.

9.) There aren't a lot of women inventors in Steampunk so this lady is coming up with an Iron Man like hand.

10.) Yeah, I'm not obsessed with the PoTO at all...

10.) Not. 

 I really love Raoul and Christine's relationship, they're sweet. And I love how he's the exact opposite of the Phantom, and how protective he is of Christine, it's adorable. *sigh*


I think I work best using mixed media. Copics and colored pencils work really well together, and I'm just having a lot of fun combining colors. *Happiness is real.*

So yes, that's it this week...

I see I'm almost to 100 followers. SQUEEEEEE! THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING ME!!! It makes me so happy when you do that. Hello.

When I get to 100 I would like to do a giveaway, but I'm not sure what to give... away. Would you guys be interested if for the prize you could ask for any picture and I'd do it for you? Or you could request a print of one I've done.... Or something like that.

Spread the word though, 100 followers means giveaway!! 

Also, I have a tumblr now. Because people's art seems to get noticed a lot on tumblr, and I want to get my art out there, so. Here is the linky: Mah tumblr. It's weird, and I'm not sure if I like it, but hey, if you have one, give me a follow!

Treskie out.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Introducing the family

It occurred to me the other day, that I've been blogging for over three years, and while I've talked about my family a lot, I've never actually introduced them.

Yeah, weird, right?

If you're new here,* you've probably gathered that I have a big family, and if you've been around for a while,** you've probably figured that it's mostly made up of girls.

*Waves at you
**Waves at you too.

But basically that's all I've said, so I figured.....

It's time.

So I'm going to introduce you to my family, using gifs.

It's gonna be a good time.

I'm number seven in a family of eleven, I have nine sisters, one brother, eleven nieces, two nephews, a few more on the way, and I've actually lost count of first cousins. (something like a hundred. Right around there.)

I will not be introducing my cousins. Or my nieces and nephews.*

*I do love them, I just don't have that much time on my hands. 

My father: We call him dad. It's very convenient. 

He is Casey. 

Mah Mommy. She's crazy, and she's homeschooled all of us, and she's really just awesome. She's strong too, she's my hero. 

My mother is that lady from Meet the Robinsons, except perhaps a little more toned down.

Mahri* is eccentric. She plays bagpipes, and fences. She knows sorts of history (she's the one you go to for obscure facts) and on occasion writes pretty awesome poetry.

This gif sums her up, I think. She is either Baymax, or the Butler, depending on her mood.

*Actual name is Maria, but whatever.

Joey is cool. He dabbles in hobbies and he makes really good deserts. He also wears geek shirts, which makes me really happy. Oh yeah, and he buys the best pressies*

*reason #4978 why he's more awesome than your brother.

He is Po. No, but literally. He is Po.

Laura is sooooooooooooo organized.* She tells the funniest stories, and she married the tallest man I've ever met.

*you have to be with six kids under seven.

She is Scrat. We don't know why. She makes Scrat-like faces.

Regina's a nut. She's also a sweetheart, and sometimes she's a sassy little stinker. She makes me want to be a nicer person.

She is Rapunzel.

Kat is a cat. She can either be grumpy cat, or an LOLcat, and there is generally no in between. We get a long rather well. 


Amy's my bestest friend and stuff. When we get together there is usually mass hysteria, while I judge people and she tells me to behave.*

*I don't.

She is Sid.

Hello. This is me. I'm a giant geek, and I draw stuff.

I'm hilarious.

Bella is outgoing. And this bewilders me, because the rest of us are introverts. She's the one who can make me fangirl like an idiot, and when it comes to being an obsessive fangirl... oooh, Bella takes the crown. 

She is Ben the Robot, and it's hilarious.

Tiny* is basically Bella's shadow. My relationship with her is either I will kill you if you look at me oooor I will help you hide the body. There is no middle ground.

*Christina's the name. We call her Tiny. I don't even know why anymore.

She is a minion.

Annie is that one kid who is really tough, but she's also really prissy, and it's a weird combo. 

Annie is this gif of Hiccup.

Cinta* lives in her own world and it can be disturbing to watch.**

*Technically she's Jacinta, but that takes a long time to say.
**I'm sure she'll grow out of it.

She is Spike, and she hates it, but it's true.

Chloe and Sam are Joey's girls, but they've morphed into the family. They're princesses and I will kill you if you hurt them.

They are Twilight and Pinkie, respectively.

And that about wraps it up. I'd do the adopted siblings too... (Sammi, Jack, and Angela...) But... I'm not gonna. HA. 

For your consideration, here is a giant family picture that we took for my parent's 35th anniversary, in early September 2013. There's more kids now.

How many siblings do you have?
Did you already know how many people were in my family?
Do you think we all look that much alike? (apparently people can tell at a glance that we're DeLallos... that's weird.)
And finally, which gif is your favorite?

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Picture Saturday -

You didn't think I was going to post this, did you.

You thought I'd forgotten about this hadn't you.


I have come!

I'm so good.

Anyway, there's not a whole lot, considering the amount of time between picture saturdays, but whatever, I don't care. We shall start now.

1.) The one I drew on Good Friday when I was feeling like a beast.

2.) And the other one, because honesty, His mother stood by him the whole time and that takes courage.

3.) I was inspired when I went to Fallen Leaf Lake.

4.) Sooooooooooo inspired.

5.) And then I wanted to try to break out of my "all my characters look the same" mold. So thuggy men.

6.) We rewatched Into the Woods the other day* and I have this headcannon where, after the affects of the giant, the Baker took Jack and Red Riding Hood on as apprentices at his shop. And when he retired they took over and got married... and she still loves food.

I need to color it in, but whatever.
*Aaaaaaaaaaagony, far more painful than youuuuuurs!

7.) Sketches....

8.) The random Star Trek lady.

9.) We've been on a musicals high lately, so I drew a rather creepy picture of Jekyll and Hyde and I think I like it.

10.) MY BROTHER GOT ME A 72 PACK OF COPIC MARKERS AND I'M SORT OF IN COLOR HEAVEN. I mean. COPICS. Ehehehehehe. Reason #4550 why my brother is better than yours.

And then I promptly got sick and was too tired to use them. So I shall figure out how to use them better next week. Lalalalala.


That is all.

I'm going to watch Gilbert&Sullivan's HMS Pinafore (with Anthony Warlow!!)
