
Saturday, September 15, 2012

"Fingers on lips!"

 I love things that make me laugh. Pictures, songs, movies, people, the Doctor. If you make me laugh, odds are I'll like you.

So when I came across Tim Hawkins...

I didn't fall in love.

But I did become a fan. And this video never fails to crack me up. :)


  1. I watched that video, and I did not see that coming. It's always a scream when someone takes the mickey out of modern music. :)

    1. I laughed so hard the first time I watched this! lol... He's an awesome comedian. ;) Glad you liked it.

  2. The guy's eyebrow in the picture just cracks me up. I didn't know eyebrows could move like that! o:

    1. I know! It's amazing what people can do with their eyebrows! :)

  3. "Party in the USA!!!!!" lol

  4. Oh my goodness....that was totally unexpected...the dancing....LOL! :)

    1. Hey, Erin! Thanks for commenting. And I KNOW, right? It helped that I wasn't actually fond of that song in the first place. :)

  5. I LOVE TIM HAWKINS. He never ceases to make me laugh. :) thanks again for teh nice comment on my blog, and to answer your questions:

    Dream Car: Vintage VW Bus, or a red and old pickup truck. :)
    Dance: yes, I dance. :)
    Read: yes, very much so. I love reading. :)

    Have a great day!

    1. I think he's my favorite comedian. He never fails to make me laugh and I love how he's always clean. :)

      Well... good blogs deserve nice comments.

      God bless!

  6. Ahhh! I love The Doctor! New follower here!!!! <3 <3

  7. Heya! new follower! This blog is adorable.
    I share your love of the beautiful Dr!! I'm a whovian to the core (David Tennant is my veryvery favorite)!! oh, and I love Jeremy Renner (<3) and I think your blog is the cutest. :) Plus, tim hawkins is hilarious. :D
    I'm so glad I found your blog, 'cause I'm sure I love it. <3

    my blog: * *

    1. Oh yay! I love new followers.

      Go Jeremy Renner! He's awesome, yeah? And yeah. The Doctor is so nice. :)

      Awww thanks for the compliments!

      God bless

  8. Is he the, "Say something about her hair." "Hey! What's up with your hair?!" "Recomputing." My sister loves this guy. From what I've heard of him, I like him too. I've only heard a few things though.

    I saw The Mummy. I liked it. I didn't like the bugs, but Rick was funny. I wasn't crazy about the second, but I liked the third. I love how he fishes. If I could fish that way I'd do it more often.

    YAHOO!! Someone who likes Josh Groban! Yes, he does seem down to earth. My sister and I follow him on twiter and he's very odd, in a very funny, nice way.
    The other day he was recording and his brother twittered him and told him to get out, take a walk, and turn his phone off. He said, "I'm busy working...can I turn my phone on airplane mode and stand in front of the AC?" And his brother went, " don't think anyone has ever done that before." Also he's VERY funny when it comes to his dog.

    I think you would like the Leviathan books. I didn't like the evolution mentions in them, but it wasn't a TON which was nice. They're fun adventures though.


  9. That just sank in...YOU GOT TO SEE JOSH GROBAN IN CONCERT?! If you lived closer I would come shake your hand. I'm DYING for him to come to Denver, I'm dragging my mum to go when she does - more like, we are both rushing there with my brother following right behind. And very likely my other brother...the only one who doesn't like his music is my dad. Poor fellow.


    1. Yeah, the Mummy can be a tad disturbing when it comes to the bugs and nastiness, but I can take it, because Brendan Frasier is awesome as Rick. :)

      Hehe, Josh. I think now I must turn a phone to airplane mode and stand in front of AC. That's brilliant. Oh yeah. My sister bought me the ticket for his concert... (She's nice that way..) I tend to judge a lot of singers by the way they sound live. My opinion goes up if they sound the same live as they do on the CD, and Josh does. He's a great entertainer... you should DEFO go see him when he goes on tour next. :)

      And as for the Leviathan books, yeah, my other sister read them and said the same thing about the evolution factor. I hate it when they do that... why do sci-fi, distopian, and steampunk usually have that element? Grrrrrrr.

      lol God bless!



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