
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Picture Saturday--- Another couple!

It's been ages since I've done a Picture Saturday, hasn't it?

Here it is: Faramir and Eowyn from the Lord of the Rings trilogy

Also... GOOD NEWS!

Our Video Library finally  got The Avengers back in, so we get to watch that tonight. 

My life is awesome again.

One day I will own these:

My mom found this for free on the side of the road, and seeing as it was lovely and in excellent condition, brought it home. 

Isn't my new armchair bea-U-tiful?

Happiness is a nice armchair. *nod*

Oh, pop on over to Shaylynn's blog... I guest posted there. :)

Now I go to finish listening to Javert and Jean Valjean arguing over whether or not the latter is a thief for life or not. 

God bless!


  1. Lovely drawing! You're so talented! <3
    Heyhey! I'mma watch Avengers tonight too! ^_^

    1. aw thanks. <3

      AVENGERS FANS UNITE! *Sigh* I love that movie. :)

  2. That is a great arm chair!!! Super pretty! I *still* haven't seen Avengers! We are waiting on my brothers to get home from playing paint-ball. And I LOVE those USB keys! So fun! <3

    1. I know, isn't it awesome? I love that style too, it looks Victorian, and it's super comfy.

      you haven't seen the Avengers AT ALL? SHRIEK! You must go watch it right now! Right now! RIGHT NOW! Seriously. Go. :)

  3. Your drawing is so beautiful! And that pic of Farimir? thats exactly how I feel: Farimir is awesome. *nods* I WANT THE AVENGER THUMB-DRIVES! (or whatever they are) :)

    1. I thought it was. :)

      I want them too. I claim them. Back off. :)

  4. Just browsing through your posts for the first time - what a fun blog (particularly the bit about David Wenham), and I've never seen the avengers but I want those flash drives so bad! Anyway I'm here and I'm following you from the Follow-Swap Blog Hop. Thanks for joining in!

    1. Hey, Kat!

      Oh, it's great to have you here, I love new followers who comment. :) David Wenham was such a brilliant Faramir, I don't know how people can not like him. (But I've ONLY seen the extended editions, so...)

      The Avengers is awesome. It made me a total hero worshiper. :) I love super heroes like those guys.

      I'll be sure to check out your linky.

      God bless!

  5. Huzzah for the Avengers!! How long have you been trying to watch that now? Three days? Four?

    You should try ONCE UPON A TIME also. Some episodes are better than others, but all of them always end with this crazy, unexpected plot twist that have you going "WHAAAAAAAAAT??!" and Rumplestiltskin is awesomely creepy/cool.

    1. We've been waiting since it came out! Redbox doesn't have it until October and it's so popular Video library's always got it checked out. But now we have it. And life is good again. :)

      I REALLY want to try Once Upon a Time, I know Rumpelstiltskin from Hamish Macbeth, and I love him in that, so.... I love twisted fantasies. :D

  6. Love the chair<3 and i like faramir:)

    1. That chair is awesome in a cushion. Faramir.... That's it. That's all you have to say and it speaks for itself.

  7. Randomness, they name is Treskie. lol. I like random posts the best I think!

  8. Late from the blog hop, alas! But a blog that has Faramir and Hawkeye was worth waiting for!

    1. Oh cool! Faramir and Hawkeye are so wonderful, yeah? :)

  9. Loving your drawing! And that armchair :)

    1. I love that armchair. I'm going to pull a Finding Nemo here... "I will call it squishy and it shall be mine. And it shall be my squishy."


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