
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

{Belated} Craftiness

Treskie takes a moment to make herself a nice pot of tea, grab the Snickers bar that her little sister thoughtfully bought for her after their dentist appointment and proceeds to sit down in her comfy armchair. 

Ahhhhh. Contentment. 

She opens her computer, goes on to the internet, and clicks New Post.

She remembers that she promised to put up the pictures of the cardboard box dollhouse she made, so decides that this post will be on that. 


So yes, here are the promised pictures. Just as a disclaimer: Cardboard box dollhouses are really hard to make. Well, they're not really hard, just quite time consuming and as such, I don't make them often.

You start off with an apple box, complete with lid.

Depending on the kind of box it is, you may need to design your house around it. See all the holes and cracks in it? The ones on the sides I made bigger into windows, and since the house is three stories high, I hid the long, tall crack with a "wall". 

 I forgot to take pictures during the process, so you have the beginning pictures and then by the time I remembered to click a few more, you have the final pictures. Heh. 

Get the lid of the apple box....... and cut out the sides so they can be glued into the main box as floors. (I used a steak knife, (so professional right?) but if you have something better, I'd go with that. =)

Then I used Elmer's School Glue to glue them into my house:

It may take a while to dry because you should use a lot of glue to make the floors steady. When it was finished drying, I re-enforced it with good ol' hot glue gun. 

Fast forward to finished product. 

Okay! The final result looked like this:

Top floor........

Middle floor........... See the wall where the big long crack used to be? Aren't I clever? Mwahahah!

The dresser is made from match boxes like these, so the drawers really open!

That flimsy, filmy, gift wrapping paper is awesome for dollhouse wallpaper. Just sayin'. 

And the bottom floor. That fireplace? I LOVE that fireplace. It turned out beautifully. =)

And there you have it! I did make most the furniture in the house, so if you have any questions about how to make something, I'll do a tutorial for it and show you how. Most of it is dead easy, if a little boring. =) Really thick material is awesome for carpets and rugs. 

This took me about two weeks to finish, so it's kind of a big undertaking. :) But hey ho, the results are worth it, and my little sisters adored me for ages. 

God bless!



  1. Woahhh! I was like, ok, what could this post be about and WOW! I can't believe you made that! I wish you could package it up and send it in the mail to me :)

    1. lol I would! But my sisters have sort of made it look somewhat different now. :)

  2. That is really cool!!! I dreamed of something like this when I was younger. All the little details are so neat, and I really like the piano and the stone fire with the crucifix!

    1. I thought the crucifixes were a neat touch. There's one in every room. That fireplace was probably one of the easiest things to make! :)

  3. Ah, I remember furnishing dollhouses! Me and Cait adored playing dollhouse. We had clothes for every person, in fact, a wardrobe for every person. We had pillows and home-woven wool blankets from our little loom. And for carpets the best carpet ever is off-cuts from the carpet store. Or the stuff they have as samples in the show room. If you get a generous salesman. :) Love the fireplace, by the way.

    1. Oh, it sounds like you and Cait were a lot like me, I loved dollhouses. I was much more girly when I was little. :)

  4. Loverly,, Treskie. :)You did, however, fail to mention all the scraps of *stuff* that end up EVERYWHERE!LOL.
    Good job. Love the fireplace. I makes me feel very warm-very sentimental inside. Hehe.

    1. Amy.... You would have to bring up the scraps, wouldn't you? *scowl* But hey, I cleaned up admirably when I was done. :)

  5. Yes, I am going to leave you a comment. How did you know? ;) lol

    I love this with so much love. My heart is exploding. I reallly mean it! I love everything about it. I love how you started the post, and Snickers are delicious. And also, I love your dollhouse. What a cute and neat idea! The matchbox drawers were ingenious. Love, love, love. Thanks for being so awesome(:

    1. I knew because I'm psychic. :)

      The matchbox dresser idea I actually got from my older sisters, so I can't take all the credit, but I love them. :)

      Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Thanks, loads. :) I like to be loved. *grin*

  6. Wow! I'm really impressed with the layout and the attention to detail. You could have a career as a home decorater. :)

    1. Oh... wow, thank you! I'd rather illustrate though. :)

  7. That is clever! I like it!


  8. That is clever and amazing! How do you have time to do something so brilliant?!

    1. Aw, thankee. :) Em.... I did that during the summer, and it still took me about two and a half weeks. lol. :)

  9. I loved this! Thanks for sharing it with us:) And you know what? You inspired me to do something similar for my current WIP. I need a layout for one of my characters "house" and this is a great idea to boost my creativity:)

    1. Oh awesome! I'm glad you liked it. :) Does that mean you're going to make one? I'd love to see the finished result.

      Thanks for commenting.

      God bless


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