
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Picture Saturday--Character

Meet Rose.

She's the main character of one of my current WIPs, and she is... a very hard person to write. It's difficult to make someone sweet and standoffish at the same time. ROSE! I love ya, girl. But you really need to cheer up. Seriously... Life isn't all depressing is it? I mean, think about it: you have a great family and you just met Chris. And honestly? Chris is awesome, and you're lucky to know him. Lighten up, sweetie. Smile a little. Do it for your author, who is tired of rewriting you.

Alrighty! And now, for your pleasure, I bring you this baby, because I find babies laughing absolutely adorable and hilarious. And therefore.... Must. Be. Shared. :)

God bless!



  1. Rose is adorable. :) I really love her cloths, Treskie. You did such a good job. Woo-hoo!

    That baby is so cute! And what an infectious laugh...*giggle*...I want one. (Not an infectious laugh.) Anyway.

    1. Thanks, Amy dear. :)


  2. I get so mad at my characters sometimes. They won't cooperate with me at all, for anything. So I just ignore them until they come to their sense, which usually doesn't take too long. They hate when I ignore them...

    1. Hehee, I may have to give the ignoring thing a go. Nothing else seems to be working. :)

      God bless!

  3. Your artistic skills are special, Treskie. I love how she is elongated and slightly surreal-looking. Your style reminds me of Neil Gaiman. Know what I mean? You have TALENT, girrrl! Can you, uhm, please tell me what a "WIP" is? I'm guessing it is story-related, but guessing acronyms SO isn't my strong point.

    1. Wow, thanks, Rose! :) Heeeeeey you have the same name as my character. Therefore you are awesome. :)

      Hehe, she isn't *quite* that elongated when you're looking at the actual sketch. The camera tends to bring out all the mistakes in my drawings and amplify them. Evil camera. But hey, if it makes my style of drawing unique then I'm good with it. I don't want to be yet another typical illustrator. :)

      Does it really remind you of Neil Gaiman?? Awesome! Thanks! *happiness* <3

      WIP means Work In Progress, basically just the book you're currently working on. :) (I wouldn't know that either, but I have a sister who is INTO this stuff, you see.)

      Thanks for the comment!


  4. Haha!!! That baby made me laugh so hard. I love it!!!!!!
    And characters who wont behave. Argh. I think we all struggle with them! They just don't want to be obliging to their creators.

    1. That baby is awesome. There's loads of him on youtube, he is the happiest baby in the world. He laughs at CELERY! Who does that? Hehehehe. :)

      Heh, I've started beating her into submission. She's almost starting to behave. :)

  5. Oh Rose........ How lovely you are! Smile a little girl,life isn't all THAT Bad :) lol. Good picture Treski. Do we get some more sneak peeks (Maybe Chris? *Bats eyes*)

    That baby is so cute! I wonder what is so funny about ripping paper...

    1. Chris needs to be perfect when I draw him. Because he is... you know... kinda hot, so. He needs to be perfect. I'm working on it.

  6. You realise you are crazy, right? The picture is good. I'm glad I never write fiction, just fantasy. Fiction clothes are SO much harder to draw. Fantasy is just cloth everywhere. Can't go wrong with folds of draping cloth. Well, maybe you can...

    1. Fiction clothes aren't that hard as long as you have a picture to base your drawing off. (be careful if you ever decide to look up girl's jeans. o_O) Fantasy IS easier though. :) Drape ALL the clothes!

  7. OK. So. You are incredibly talented. I used to think I was good at Art y'know...

    1. Awww thanks, Emily! :) and hey, you are good at art, you just have a different style than I do. x

  8. Awww! She is so cute!!! And I love the name Rose! My oldest niece's middle name is Rose! <3

    1. Thanks, Jonni! :) I love the name Rose too, my sister named her oldest girl that, and it's grown on me ever since. :)


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