
Friday, November 2, 2012

To Dream the Impossible Dream.....

Alright, so maybe the title is a bit melodramatic, but I feel like that at the moment. 

My word-count for NaNo at the moment is now 5521! 

This is a very big deal for me, because I am the girl who had a hard time writing that much in a month. 

As I said before, my stories tend to write themselves, and it's a good thing too, because I now have a plot (assassination attempts, magic, maybe a little romance....) And that is a considerable weight off my mind. Hee! 

Treskie pauses for a moment.... I don't know why I've taken to using 'hee!' instead of 'Hehehe!' I guess  'hee!' is more fitting for me. Hmmmm. 

I have also figured out what the countryside looks like for my novel: Welcome to Benenweild. 

Most of the novel happens here:

And there is a very good possibility that this will happen.... rather frequently. 


As it is, HAPPY NOVEMBER to everyone! You know what that means, right? It's one month until December, which is about two months (give or take a week or two) until Christmas. And I'm not going to lie, I am really  excited about Christmas. 

Hopefully I won't let my blog slide too much during NaNo. :) I'm still going to try to draw a little, because I'm better at drawing that I am at writing. 

Now, I proceed to make you listen to Bryn Terfel singing "Impossible Dream."

God bless!


  1. I love this. :) I love the settings for the characters! And i love novembers:)

  2. Doesn't Bryn have an AMAZING voice?! *sigh* Oh, and if "hee!" turns you on, you could also try "squee!" Same basic sound, same amount of syllables, but what an oh-so-subtle difference it makes in your post! ;)

    1. Yes he DOES! :D Squee is good too, but I use that when I'm excited about something. Like... "JEREMY RENNER! SQUEEE!" lol

  3. Congrats on your word count...that's awesome. I am a bit jealous, actually. :)

  4. How fun!! What a wonderful world to write in! Have fun during NaNo. I REALLY wish I was doing it now... blah. But I made my choice so that is that. But anyway, have fun!!!! Lots and LOTS of it! And I can't wait to hear more about the book!
    *waiting for sister to return earbuds to listen to song*

    1. I really wish you were too! It would be so much fun to have you joining us! lol...Fun. I will have lots of fun. *goes off, whistling*

  5. I want to go into your book. It looks like fun, and exciting. Nice word count! Very good start.

  6. WOOT WOOT!! Good for you :D 5521 words is fantastic! And you thought you couldn't do NaNo. **Rolls eyes** I love the castle. Dom... *Grin*... He is... yeah...

    God Bless

    1. I'm double that now. And yes. Dominic Rolando... is epic.

  7. Yeah, Bryn Terfel. I love Bryn Terfel. He reminds me of a dwarf, with that voice and that beard. I could just see him sitting in Bilbo's house singing "Far over the Misty Mountains Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old...."

    I *refuse* to comment on your word count, ye wee braggart, ye!

    1. lol... Unfortunately he can't sing bass though.

      Ah ahm no' a wee braggart, hoo very dare ye!

  8. Oh, yes he can! Observe: ...though I think we could have stood more Bryn and less choir on that track, what do you think? (Wanders away to encourage the wee novel to more rapid growth.)

  9. "And I know, if I only stay truuuuuuuue, to this Gloriouuus queeeest! My Heaaaart, will lie peaceful and caaaaalm, when I'm laid to my resssst!" Mrhrhrhr

  10. I need to give Jason another chance. Have you read The Mark of Athena yet? I just got it and am hoping I will grow to like Jason in it. It is rather unfair I dislike him as it was nothing he did...I was just mad at him for getting a book without Percy being in it. I almost didn't read it, but I wanted to get to the next book WITH Percy, so I did. Now I feel bad for being such a poor sport about it, because the book was good and I never gave Jason a chance. (I like Leo a lot though 8-D)

    Saying Trisli reminds you of yourself...does this mean you aren't a morning person and if we were ever to meet I should pass you the coffee and smile sweetly till you've completely awakened?

    1. No, I haven't read the Mark of Athena yet. I want to, but there's a waiting list at the library and I'm sort of broke at the moment. :D I really like how Rick Riordan's combining the Roman gods with the Greek ones, because the Roman gods were a little more... I dunno, serious? And it really fit the characters growing up.

      Saying Trisli reminds me of me means just that! It usually takes me a minimum of fifteen minutes to wake up enough to peel myself from my bed. Eerie how you knew that. lol.

    2. Your woes sounded like mine. (Though my library wasn't even kind enough to get a copy of the book. They can be very heartless at times. I haunted there every day, watching for it....
      Anyhow, my mum had pity on me and bought me a copy.
      Aye, the Roman gods did seem more serious, which fits I suppose. The Romans were warriors, the, "We are going to take over everything!" sort. The Greeks, from what I remember reading in history, were kind of laid back after awhile.

      I'm a mind reader, I know all about...mostly about, your not being a morning person. *Nods wisely.*

      I hope you enjoy Seraphina. I am now ten chapters from finishing and it is getting very exciting...But..PHINA! KIGGS!!! ACK!!!
      Warning, there is a bit of language in it. I just stumbled upon it halfway through. There isn't much though, and not often.

      Speaking of fantasy...have you read Gracling? I believe it is fantasy. I picked it up the other day but am not sure how good it is going to be. (I have a feeling the girl is going to be annoying...)

    3. I did Greek Mythology last year in literature and yeah, the Greeks were pretty laid back in most things... 'Cept for Hera, man! She was a jealous god.

      Well your mind reading skills astound one. :)

      Ooh, thanks for the warning. I shall bear that in mind when I read it. Luckily I don't mind swearing too much... I'd rather you didn't, but I prefer it over blasphemy. :D

      No, I haven't read Gracling... maybe I'll look into it. Have you ever read The Dark Lord of Derkholm by Diana Wynne Jones? That's a good, good book. Weird, but good. :D


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