
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Picture Saturday-- Joan

Because... it's been so long since my last post, right? *Smirk* Bet you guys didn't even notice I hadn't posted. =)

By the way, good news! Amy posted my letter on her blog, so if you haven't read it yet, you should check it out. I'm very 'cited and nervous. :)

So.... when I came up with the idea that my letter game character, Joan, was going to be a Master Assassin, the ideas of how she ought to look came flooding into my head. She was going to be on the short side of average height, very athletic, and a bit of a dry-humored smarty.

She sort of just... made herself up. She's that kind of character.

(By the way, she thinks Master Assassin is an utterly ridiculous title because everyone knows that Master Assassins haven't been used in years, so said title only means that she is a very talented martial artist...)

Just as an aside: my sister has the mother load  of Prisma colored pencils. 

I was in heaven.


  1. Lovelove that drawing!! Very nice.

  2. Oh, she's brilliant! She reminds me of the Black Widow. Joan's great! You're so talented! :)

    1. Hehehehe, now that I come to think of it, she is a bit Black Widow-ish, isn't she? That post was based off my Iron Man one that I did last year. :D

  3. WOW!!! I am sooooo jealous. We used to have a great set of prisma colors. But then my little siblings got into them and poof....there they went. I'm just a little curious about how THAT many colored pencils can disappear.... ;) LOL!
    And, wow! That drawing is AWESOME!!! I loved it! She really looks like she's in action. I tend to do more still life kind of drawing. I need to get into that a little more, eh? But, no joke, that pic is absolutely, adorably awesome!!!! <3 <3

    1. hehehehe, isn't it amazing how little kids can lose stuff? Sometimes I wonder if they have a secret place where they put all of our lost stuff, chortling madly to themselves at how clever they are. :D

      There is absolutely nothing wrong with still life drawing. I need to work on that... and landscapes... and every day objects. But I'm super lazy, so I need to psych myself up to it. lol. Thank you so much~


    I love the letters. They're funny and engaging and I'm really excited about the coming ones. Please don't stop until you've stopped ... know what I'm saying? :D

    1. Hehe, Rose. Thanks. But it's not flawless. There's always a little something about my work that I know is off and I don't know how to fix. So don't feel too inferior. :)

      I know what you're saying! We don't plan to stop until the story is completed, so there will be loads and loads of these to come. :)

  5. Prismascolors are so awesome. They just keep going on, darker and darker... And yeah. They're addictive. :) Thank you so much, Clair!

  6. Very nice picture! I had fun reading your letter and getting to know her. She sounds like a fun character, kind of opposite Amy's, which will make the letters even more fun to read I think.

    Aye, it seems the characters we love in books we would end up plotting how to strangle in real life. (Howl comes to mind. Sherlock. Maybe even the Doctor from time to time.)

    I cannot wait to get to Howl in House of Many Ways. He sounds like he is going to be a lot of fun in this one. *Grin*
    I refuse to read Castle in the Air right now. Are he and Sophie even in it?

    1. Thanks, Jack! I did want her to be opposite Amy's character because our writing styles are very similar and I wanted to have her unique. :) So yay! Mission accomplished! (Unfortunately, I'm a romantic, and I just know that there's going to be a character she's going to end up falling for. *sigh*)

      lol Oh he's such a brat in HOuse of Many Ways! He and Sophie do make it to the last half of Castle in the Air... but I think it's the weakest of that series. It's good and worth the read, but I read it when I was in a really HOWL mood, so getting Abdullah instead sort of put a damper on my love of it. I wish she had written a book from Howl's point of view instead of having so many people meet him and give me THEIR impressions of him. (I think I may have said that before though.)

  7. The same sister who owns those pencils shan't say anything about that character Treskie has drawn... except it looks suspiciously similar to SOME OTHER PICTURE.

    However, the colours look quite nice together. I love them, quite. :)

    1. I swear that I have not copied your picture. I copied the Iron Man pose!!!! :D

      As Sam would say, "Thank!"

  8. Your Picture is COOL. SO COOL! SO SO SO COOL! So is the name. M.A.'s are cool.

    1. Aw, bless you, sweets, bless you! You are the twinkle in that song.... Twinkle twinkle, li'tle star!

      And yes. SHe's an MA now.
      MAs are cool. ;)

  9. Maybe Merlin and Sherlock and Edmund really are brothers. i would like them to be a movie together,unless one of them dies. Then I wouldn't.

    I like Columbo too, especially when he makes people mad just by talking. If I was a detective I'd do that. I'd just talk and talk until they told me all the bad things they had done.

    1. Quite right, John. I wouldn't want any of them to die. That would be tragic.

      I know, Columbo's very good at that isn't it? He's a very good detective. :)

  10. Oh. My. Goodness. Those pencils. Those pencils. In Art at school I use Karisma but they're well expensive and none of the boxes have complete sets so you just have to forage. As for whites, you have to ask the teacher for one because apparently they go like golddust so they're all kept in a pot together on a top shelf in some cupboard. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW JEALOUS I AM NGGGGHGHHGHGRRR!!! (And that doesn't even begin to extend to my jealousy at your drawing skills.)

    1. Prismas a really expensive too... a pack of twelve is about ten to fifteen dollars... which is about twenty or twenty-five pounds. Which is a lot. But they're worth it. :D Why do all the whites disappear like golddust? I never cared much for them myself, until I figured out how to used them a year or two ago. :D

      And thanks. :) I like it when you comment about my drawings. You're always so nice. lol. :D

  11. Isn't Ella so cool?! She is one of my favourite characters now.
    I LOVE Percy in Son of Neptune. In Mark of Athena he is still great, how can he not be, but I did wish he would stop kissing Annabeth so much. Still, it's a good book.

    Aye, it is very hard in Harry Potter to really care for any of the main characters. I adored the twins and Snape and Remus and the others. Harry, eh, he was okay. And I don't want the hero to be okay. I want the hero to be a HERO! Like Neville. Someone I can cheer for and hope they live.

    Aye, and what bothers me as well is people who say they are evil never give a reason for their thinking. I want to know WHY they think this. I know some of them don't like the witchcraft...and there were things I didn't like in the books. The Death day party, celebrating death seems wrong. And the fortune telling bit, but I don't recall witchcraft. The witches were just girl wizards and I've heard them called witches before. (Sophie comes to mind and there was another but I forget.)

    Anyways, that is my ramble on it. *Smirk*

    1. lol Oooh, Percy kisses Annabeth a lot in the next book? Well now I can be prepared. lol. Percy is always awesome. :D I keep trying to draw a character sketch of him, but they never turn out quite right. I think I just care too much.

      Exactly! I think that's a problem with a lot of books and movies. The hero is rarely HERO worthy. I don't mind a hero who has his faults (even if some are really big faults) as long as he has an balanced goodness to him. Like Howl, the flirt... he's a prime example of a realistic hero.

      People have a hard time wrapping their heads around witches, I think, because they're set on the idea that witches are evil and devil worshipers. But in fantasy worlds, they can just be people with a higher power than humans, which is fine! Grrrrr. Besides. What would the world be like without fantasy and magic. Reality. Who likes reality anyway?:D

  12. Aye. I heard Snape was horrible but in the movie he just seemed stern, like certain teachers. So I never got all the horrible talk on him, till I read the books 8-P

    I KNOW, RIGHT?! One should NEVER be allowed to kill twins!! *Glowers*

    Aye. I am the same. If I find a book with an okay plot but I love the characters I don't mind. Because they are brilliant. (This is kind of the same with Howl. normally I don't like plots that revole around every day life. I would have normally found it boring. But Sophie, Michael, Calcifer, and Howl were so brilliant and amazing I could have spent an even longer time with them. And not for one moment cared if there was a battle.)
    Yet, if the plot is good and the characters not, I don't usually finish the book.

    It is good to have a hobby, but from what I've seen, your writing is amazing.

  13. Awwwwwwwwwww, Jack. :) That's a huge compliment coming from you. *Happy dance*

  14. I think the one with Spock is one of my favourites now, right up there with the one with Kirk. (I love that one because Columbo is being such a geek in it. He acts like...well, like most of us would if we met an actor we like. Trying on his shoes and hat. *Grin* I loved that part.)

    My mum told me that, a couple days ago in fact! I had no idea, though when I found out it was a glass eye I looked closer and realized he never focuses with one eye. That is why I assumed he was cross eyed I guess. Because the glass one will stay in place while he looks around. I felt less clever then as my uncle has a glass eye and I noticced the same thing with him. (Went and burst my bubble in thinking I could become a detective. *Smrik*)

    Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one who was slightly sad when Kirk was caught. I was half hoping he;d get away with it.

  15. Hehehe, while he whistled. That was cute. :)

    You just need more practice before becoming a Sherlock/Monk/Columbo detective. Hehehehe. I only knew that because I read a book by him.


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