
Monday, February 4, 2013

My gifs to you.


1.) This is what happens when I watch too much Doctor Who, listen to too much Phantom of the Opera, read too much Percy Jackson. 

Done in about five minutes before dinner. *smirk*

2.) We watched the last and final episode of Leverage the other day. I am so sad that it's over. But it ended really well and nothing tragic happened. 

The Leverage Team are WHOVIANS!!

And Eliot:

Is Young Uncle Hub in Second Hand Lions

3.) I'm slightly addicted to gifs. They're so fun!

4.) Josh Groban's new CD comes out tomorrow!!!! BUT!! I don't need to wait until tomorrow. My sister pre-ordered it and it got here tonight!!!!!!!!!!!

5.) This is one of the cutest shorts I have ever seen. Kind of makes me want to cry a li'l

6.) Y'all are awesome! 
     That's all. 


  1. My favourite gifs:

    All the Eliot ones, JOSH GROBAN!! and Doctor Eleven. :)

    COOL pictures! I love the Phantom one. It's really COOL. :)

  2. Awesome post, Peskie. LOVE IT.<3
    The Paperman short is adorable. It makes me feel a little emotional, actually. How silly is that?

    The Gifs are great. Eliot! *Squeeee!* He's the best. :D


    1. Aw, fanks, Panda. :) I KNOW! I do the same thing.

      It's Eliot. I like Eliot now. Eliot is cool. :)

  3. Ohmygosh, you are SOOOO TALENTED. Your drawings are awe-inspiring. <3 I love them. love this<3

  4. Awesome! Although I don't get most of it. ;) Oh, the new Josh Groban!!! Hurrah! I've seen that short... It is soooo cute!! :D

    1. That short is awesome. :)

      lol.... You should really look into Leverage. It's a really clever show. (And even though that one guy has kind of long hair, he's my favorite. :)

  5. oh my gosh!!! Dude, those three DW gifs made me laugh out loud! So funny! <3 <3 I love my Doctor. I'm addicted to Gifs too. They're awesome.
    Your sketches are always so great! :D You've got talent.
    Joshua Groban!!!!! <3 epic.

    1. I KNOW! I was giggling writing the post. heheh.

      Gifs.... *cough*

      Thanks! I was pretty proud of Ten's sketch... I didn't even use a reference picture. WOOT! :D :D :D

      My sister won't let me listen to the CD until she does, and she hasn't, and this is a huge source of irritation for me. LOL. I'll let you know how it is though. (But since it's Josh, I know I'll love it. I'm one of those fans who loves every song he does even if it's not his usual style. hehe)


    2. You seriously didn't?? Girl!! That's awesome. :D I'm the worst artist ever...I'm jealous of that skill! ^_^ <3
      awwwh! That's a bummer!! Gee. I'm looking forward to hearing that album. haha! Yes, Josh is amazing. every time. I'm the same way with Michael Buble though. I don't care what he's singing or what style it is. He could sing Call Me Maybe and I'd be gushing over his wonderfulness. xD ;) <3 lol.

    3. lol you make me laugh. Thanks! :)

      We listened to it right after I finished school and it's awesome. There are a couple that I love more and a couple that I love less, but I love them all.... because it's Josh, and.... you know. He's awesome. :)

      Michael Buble is good. My friend has a wee thing for him. lol.

  6. {P.S. Tagged ya yesterday!! <3}

  7. OMIGOSH. those Doctor Who gifs. I watched them all seeeeveral times. ^_^ So cute!! I really liked this post, and that first drawing of the Doctor is my favorite, you've got skillz!!!!! <3
    i wasn't fond of what I heard of Josh's last album, and I haven't heard any from the new one, but I'm deff. going to look it up! I love Josh ^_^

    1. They're addicting, aren't they!? :D Thank you. I rather like it myself. :P

      You didn't like Illuminations? Aww. Well... he did a few that were a bit odd.. but did you hear Hidden Away or Higher Window? I loved those. (I love all of his, but I especially loved those) I haven't gotten to listen to the new one yet, so grrr, but I get to later on today. :)

  8. Lovely drawings, Treskie!

    Oh my word - LOVED Paperman!! Sitting here with tears in my eyes. What an adorable short! Thank you so much for sharing:)

    1. Thanks, Natasha!

      I know... me too. I was crying by the end of it. lol... Girls... *shakes head*

  9. LOL!!!! I am literal laughing out loud!!! :-D Love the Doctor gifs <3 so funny/cute!

  10. Percy Jackson?! Love those books. <3 Lovely drawings!

  11. Thank you so much, Clair! My confidence is considerably boosted now. :D

    Leverage is amazing. The last episode had me in terror for a bit, but it got sorted. :)

    Me too! I love the simple animation.

  12. I've never watched Leverage and the only person I recognized was Hub........ I love Second Hand Lions :D
    HOW ARE YOU SUCH A GOOD ARTIST! I'm jealous. :P Haha, but still, you are really good, especially at hair because whenever I attempt to draw a person, the hair gets all wild and frizzy sort of resembling a lion of sorts......

    1. Well if you like Psych, Ocean's Eleven, and Robin Hood, you'll probably like Leverage. They're usually pretty clean, and the humor is awesome. :) It was funny, when we first got introduced to the show, we turned on Second Hand Lions and watched again, just for Hub. There is definite lacking in the Young Hub department of that movie. lol.

      Hehe. I've always been drawing. It just come naturally, I guess. :) Well hey, if you need help with hair, let me know, and I'll see if I can do anything. ;)

  13. :( wish I could draw that in five minutes. Five HOURS, maybe...
    Nice to read your blog again Treskie! I've been on holiday and then WORK, but now I've got more time so expect multiple comments over the next few days as I slowly read all the posts I've missed! :D

    1. Hey, Emily!!!!

      Haha. It doesn't take a lot of work, just practice. You could learn it. :)

      Aha. I've noticed that you haven't made an appearance in the blogging world in a while, so now I see why. I am looking forward to comments. :D Don't worry if you can't though, I won't be insulted. lol



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