
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Picture Saturday-- And a photoshoot

I recently started re-reading The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede. They're really simple, middle grade books, (yes, I still read middle grade books. No shame!) about Princess Cimorene, who runs away to be a dragon's 'captive' princess in order get away from embroidery and etiquette, and the doom of marrying (a very dull) Prince Therandil. She then proceeds to have several distasteful encounters with wizards, (who steal magic) and discovers a plot to kill the King of the dragons.

They're funny, I like them. And I like Cimorene, she's clever, level-headed, fences, and she's not afraid of work ... and actually reminds me a bit of my older sister Laura. The only thing I don't like about her is her name.


I mean... It sounds just like simmering! What's with that?! Bad.

BUT anyway, here is Cimorene, my drawing. :)

SOOOOO, Amy had this brilliant idea, to go to the Lake and have a photoshoot.

"It'll be awesome." she said. "We've never done a 'shoot by the lake before."

"Yeah!" I replied, all gung ho and up for the awesomeness, "It should be epic."






I'm going to quote Rhod Gilbert and say, "For the next few minutes, I'm going to come to come across as a bit of a whinging pom...."

Maybe I should mention the negative degrees. The wind. The snow. The extreme cold. Just a few little things. Hehe, it actually wasn't so bad. I think my lungs have finally thawed out! *joy*

Yeah, it was  gorgeous.


Amy had this great idea.... that we should take off our coats and use her shawl instead. 

Haha, Amy. Haha. :) 

Me, being the moron that I am, did not wear long sleeves that day. I'm surprised I made it off that beach without pneumonia. *grin*

By the the time we left, our hands were quite numb. The wind was biting. But I think the results were worth it.

What do you think?




  1. Firstly, I love the way you manage to get your drawings in proportion and that your braids look--gasp--like braids (I can't do that for the life of me...) :)

    A snowy beach. I can't get over how werid that is. Beautiful photos!

    1. I have a really hard time getting my people to be proportionate, so thank you for that. :D I can do a tutorial on braids if you want. They're actually not too hard. :) Just let me know, kay?

      I know, beaches are supposed to be sunny and warm, right?

    2. That would be really cool! When I was little I'd do shafts of hair and put X's down them. It... doesn't really work anymore. ;)

    3. :) I did the same thing. I'll do a tutorial soon, then. Kay?

  2. The results were worth it - lovely pictures! And two lovely ladies, too. :)

  3. You should seriously consider doing children book illustrations, because your drawings are ah-mazing!! <3
    I think all the pix from the shoot are awesome {fave is the first, its so mysterious looking} and I'm jelly you live near such a gorgeous lake!!

    1. Noni~

      Thank you for that sweet comment!! I actually really want to do illustrations for kids books, but the children's book industry is REALLY hard to break into, so I get daunted. *shamed face* I'm planning on taking a few art classes when I can afford them.

      Yeah, we're pretty proud of it. :) We get spoiled. :D

  4. I read middle grade books too. ;) No worries. they are fun to read.

    Your drawing is more pretty that the actual cover pic. at least it is to me :)

    wow, living by the lake, lucky!w here is that lake at? so pretty.

    1. Precisely! High five!

      Aw, wow, thank you! ox

      Well, we don't actually live BY it, by it. We're like a mile away. Um... it's Tahoe. But shhhhh. No telling. :)

    2. **high five back :D

      You're very welcome. and no problem. ;)

  5. Ahhh! The drawing is beautiful! I love her dress and hair. So cool. I should try that kind of drawing. I used to do it a bunch but kinda morphed into portraits.
    My favorite picture is of you backwards extending the shawl. It's so loverly. :D

    1. You should! I like seeing your drawings. I did portraits for a while too... But I like doing the whole person better, so I'm back to this.

      That picture... the wind was blowing straight at her when we took that. lol

  6. I LOVE your picture :D the photo-shoot looks fun despite the weather. it is so gorgeous - the landscape is wonderful and you all look beautiful - baby!

  7. YOUR drawing is * AMAZING * and I love the photos too. that lake and veiw is simply stunning and so are you:) I love the shawl!!!!

    1. Hehe, thank you, Sophie. *grin*

      My mommy made that shawl! She knits well. :D

  8. Oh my gosh! You two are adorbs. and that scenery is SO stunning! :o Wow. Mountains and snow and a gorgeous lake?? I'll just mention the fact that I'm rather jealous. ;)
    great drawing!! xD I'm quite impressed, as always! :) <3

    1. Grin. Thank you so much, Rachel. We are very lucky for where we live. It's beautiful and the worst bugs we get are daddy-long-legs and mosquitoes, so we're really spoiled. :D


  9. These books are still some of my favorites, partly because I listened to them on tape with a full audio cast. Your picture is amazing!

    1. They're really clever. :D

      Thank you, Veela!

  10. it is perfectly respectable to be a Dragons Princess

    :D the picture was really good Treski - fantastic actually. LOL - Simmering *smile* I THOUGHT THAT TOO

  11. I tried that book once. Maybe I should attempt it again... because my reading list is lacking *sarcasm*

    Nothing wrong with middle grade books. I write MG! :)

    Oh my! Your mama knitted the shawl?! How long did it take her?
    ~Robyn Hoode

    1. Haha, well it's not a long read. I read in an evening, so go for it! :D

      :D MG books have a lot to offer.

      And yes, she did! Isn't it AWESOME?! I have a grey one. Ummmm.... depending on the amount of time she has, anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. She doesn't get a lot of time what with home-schooling and her part time job, so... usually a few months. lol and you're thinking "TOO MUCH INFORMATION!" right? :)

      Thanks for commenting!


    2. No, I'm not thinking TMI. I knit, too, but I don't care for the bits of projects where you knit the same way every row til it reaches so many inches. Unless I'm watching a movie while I do it. :)
      Yes, the shawl is awesome! I have a crocheted shawl my Grandma made me, but it's more playful than elegant because its multicolored. It's heavy and not lacy, but it is warm and nice.

    3. Oh good *whew* lol

      Mom knits the most during movies too. Her shawls can be really heavy to lacy a lot, depending on the size yarn she uses. She likes the medium yarn the best. :D

    4. My shawl Grandma made me is made from worsted weight.


  12. As always on Picture Saturday, I love your drawing! You do fabric very well - the folds of her skirt and apron and her sleeves are gorgeous! I also like her hair, and her face - I've come to recognise the pointy chins and dark eyes of all your people, and they are very nicely done :)

    1. Thank you, Emily. :D

      I do tend to have pointy chins and dark eyes. Hmmmm. Is that a good thing? I guess it's a unique-ish style of drawing. lol. I Do need to work on lighter eyes, because I can't go around making EVERYONE have brown eyes, now can I? :D


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