
Thursday, May 9, 2013

"I thought I didn't qualify. I was considered, what was it...volatile, self-centred, and I don't play well with others."

So, I've been wanting to do a post in defense of Iron Man / Tony Stark for a while now. Because several people I know don't care much for him.... *cough* You know who you are. :)

 I really like him, and I wanted to explain why. But I put it off until I saw Iron Man 3, so that I would be even more well versed on the subject than I already was.

We went and saw it on Monday.... and ooooh. my. gosh. I loved  it!! Tony was a lot more vulnerable in this one than he was in the others, his relationship with Pepper is adorable, and he has to rely on his wits more in this one than the first two.

 There were a few things I didn't care for: really quick unnecessary scenes with scantily clad ladies... three, I think. And the bad guy felt a little Die Hard-esque. He wouldn't die. But other than that.... wowowowow!

Anyway, back to the point. There'll probably be spoilers in from Iron Man 3 in the rest of this.

So (there's that pesky word again). I know why people don't like Tony. They say he’s selfish, he’s a jerk, he’s arrogant, he’s annoying….

And I get that. I really do, I can see how you wouldn't like him, and I can see how you would think he’s not fantastic


I…. respectfully disagree. (See what I did there?)

I mean sure, he can be a jerk. He can be arrogant. He can  be selfish. So I can  see how it could be hard to like Tony Stark.

But he's not always those things. Think about it, the reason he was building all those weapons in the first film was because he wanted to help protect America, and when he got captured and tortured he still wouldn't build the bad guys a Jericho missile. That was brave.

 In the second movie when he gets Pepper strawberries he was humble.

In the Avengers when he helps Bruce Banner deal with being the Hulk, he was kind.

And there is no way on this earth you can tell me he was selfish when he grabbed that nuke and was willing to sacrifice his life to save the world.

If you've seen all the Iron Man movies, and the Avengers, and you still don't like Tony, then you are only seeing the surface of this character. Tony isn't actually narcissistic to the extreme that he portrays. That’s just part of his personality. He’s clever and a smarty-at-the-party, but that doesn't make him infatuated with himself. I think that he uses the sarcasm and snarkiness and arrogance as a shield to protect himself from the world. I mean, think about his back history.

1.) Family life is everything. It’s what shapes you and molds your character. Tony’s stank! According to Iron Man 2, I think….  I think his dad was a bit of a drunk. (Which is what probably influenced Tony’s bad habits??) His dad had little to no time to spend with him. He was preoccupied with work and work and did I mention work? The videos in Iron Man 2 seemed like there was a lot of Howard Stark saying, “Not now, Tony.” “Tony, run along.” “Tony, don’t touch that!” That’s not exactly the kind of dad who’s going to encourage his son to grow up to be a selfless, kind person. Tony got everything he wanted, except support and love from his father. When people are unhappy, they tend to lash out, and the way Tony does is by being arrogant.

2.)  Do we even know what happened to his mom? I know Tony was an orphan by the age of 17. But it doesn't really go into a whole lot of detail about her.

3.) He’s an only child. He has no family. He’s completely alone, except for Pepper. And the guy who was like his second father completely betrayed him. Obadiah arranged for him to be kidnapped and killed in Iraq, temporarily paralyzed him, stole his arc reactor, and left him vulnerable to the shrapnel in his chest. Really. No wonder he has trust issues, poor man! I think he's kind of afraid to care about people because when he does, bad things happen. His parents are dead, Yinsen is dead, Obadiah is dead, Coulson is probably dead (though the fandom screams "Nooooo! Coulson LIVES!"), Happy gets put into a coma, Pepper gets captured and almost killed a lot.

Tony doesn't like getting hurt so he builds walls to protect himself, and those walls manifest as sarcasm and narcissism.

Speaking of Pepper. She's the one thing that's precious in Tony's life; he does everything he can to protect her. When his house is blowing up he doesn't use his Iron Man suit himself, he gives it to Pepper to make sure she's safe!

That is the cutest couple name ever.

I know a major problem people have with Tony is that he was a playboy. Okay.  Here’s the thing. Yes. At the beginning of the first film, he definitely was a playboy. Yes, I agree and concur. Shame on him. Shame. Shame. That first movie especially was a shocking with regards to that. And I don’t support that at all. He was a total jerk at the beginning of Iron Man. However! (dun duh duuuuh) After he was kidnapped and tortured and mistreated, it was like, BOOM! Much more moral. He realized that he’d been stupid, and not just through building weapons of mass destruction like the Jericho. He realized he was actually quite in love with Pepper (and seriously. What’s not to love? She’s adorable.) And he got his life together really, really fast. Once he figured that out, and he and Pepper were a couple, he never once cheated on her. Sure, he eyed other girls, but let’s face it. It’s almost impossible to make a complete moral turn-around at the drop of a hat. Things like that, especially from how far down he was, take time, and he was doing pretty well.

I don't know. I guess the point I'm trying to get across is,

But maybe you shouldn't. Tony's not perfect, but he's trying, and he's really very sweet once you get past the outer shell of his personality. He doesn't like being brave, but he is when it's necessary. He doesn't think he's a hero. But he is.

Tony Stark.

Genius: He built and Iron Man suit in a cave!.... with a box of scraps!
Billionaire: He can afford to build more Iron Men!
Playboy: Not anymore.
Philanthropist: he helps people.
Hero: He is.

I think I covered all my bases. And now I shall go. :)


  1. Thank you very much, he is my favorite Avenger.

    1. He's one of my favorites too! He, Captain America, and Hawkeye are my favorites. I honestly cannot decide between them. :D

  2. Howdy!
    Okay. As you know I don't like Tony. {I'm one of the people this post is aimed at, correct?} All I'm gonna say is that I want to like him. I really do. I just can't. My sister and I have been talking about him a lot lately and I'm gonna be writing a good post in defense of why I don't like him. *grin*

    So, was wondering if you would mind if I quoted some of this post whenever I get around to my own post? I'm hoping to get this post written soon. Very soon.

    Oh, and some of the reasons you mentioned apply to why I hate him, and others never even crossed my mind. ;) {such as being a playboy. That's not why I don't like him.} :)

    I'm going to re-watch the first two movies and see the third one. Then I shall write my post. Keep and eye out! :D

    Great post!

    1. Hey Anna~

      Erm... yeah. Guilty. It was aimed at you a little bit. lol. :D But I didn't want to come off as pushy or rude, I just want everyone to like him too. Hehe.

      I don't want to seem like a jerk, but I would rather you didn't quote me? Um, I've just had people quote me before and really twist my words, so I would rather you didn't. :)

      I guess I shall await your post. But be warned, I do love him, and I shall defend him. hehehehehehe.


    2. Hehe! Nope, you're fine. :D I really don't get offended in that aspect at all. Oh, okay. Hey, that's fine. I perfectly understand. :) I'll be ready. Hope to get it written up soon. :D

      Sorry if I sounded rude in my comment.


    3. Alrighty then.

      You didn't sound rude, Anna. You're fine. :D


  3. I love Iron Man. I love his moral arc, how he starts off at one, rather low level, and as the trilogy (and The Avengers) unfold, he gradually begins to climb the heights to a moral high road.

    He is incredibly vulnerable in Iron Man 3. I loved that about him. He's a superhero, he's IRON MAN, but he still gets scared about the world.

    1. I KNOWZ!!!!!!!!! to quote Monsters Inc, "Hheeee soo awesome!" I love how he has a character arc in each movie.

      Vulnerable is so sad on him, "You seem to have had a severe anxiety attack." And he's like, "ME!?" He's just the bestest. :)

  4. Ok, so I totally Don't get how people cannot like him, I mean is it really that hard for people to see past his walls??? I've never ever had a hard time seeing the real Tony Stark. And this whole post made me so happy,I'm glad you laid it all out there so nicely. Everyone should love Stark! S thank you! Oh, and another's Robert Downey Freaking Jr. And that right there is a good enough reason to love Stark! ^_^ <33 I'm going to go see Ironman 3 tonight, soooo pumped!!!!! xD xD xD

    1. Hehehe. Thank you!! I guess it is.:( I've always liked characters like his though, I like smart alecks, and I can usually see past their sarcasm. I haven't met/read/watched on yet that I haven't liked. Tony's just such a good character, I don't see how people can't see past his walls. :D

      I'm so glad you agree, I was a little worried about posting it. *whew!* I really like RDJ. I know he got into drugs and stuff when he was younger, but he's cleaned up so well, and he's so sweet about his wife.

      OOH!! Yay for you! It's really really good. :D let me know what you think of the Mandarin... :D

  5. That. Was.BRILLIANT! now I want to see the third movie. And look, you found the picture with the nuke!!! :D You know when I fell in love with him? When, after he was tortured and told to make weapons he said "I refuse." I LOVED HIM FOREVER!! Your post was very neat and tight and you hit all the bases. I agree 100% And you are right... what did happen to Tony's mom?? I never realised how many people Tony has lost. Now I feel sad. No wonder he fears for Pepper :'(

    2468, Who do We Appreciate?? TONY STARK!

    1. Awww Bellie Rose. THankee. I KNOW! HOooooot.

      Ra ra ra!

  6. I LOVE ROBERT DOWNY JR<3 thatisallkbye! :)

  7. I've only seen Iron Man 1 and I so agree with every word you said. usually people like him before are a turnoff but he is good hearted because like you said he didn't help the enemies build a weapon. I love Iron Man, he is awesome! Well explained Treskie! :D

    1. He's just so freaking awesome. lol. The second one is good, but they changed Rhodey, so I didn't like that. And like, all of the Iron Man movies, there were a few unnecessary scenes with badly dressed girls. The third one is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. My mom told me that the second one isn't good, but the third one looks real good. Thanks Treskie! :D

    3. I didn't like the second one the first time I saw it. (They changed Rhodey, and there were some stupid scenes) but the second time, when I knew when to skip and I'd grown so liked the new Rhodes, I liked it a lot more. It has some GREAT scenes. :D

    4. oh. I haven't seen the second one but so glad you like it my friend. I wonder how many Iron Man movies are going to be total?

    5. I think they're done with Iron Man. He only signed on for three. But He should be in the next avengers movie, so YAY!

    6. OOOH YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Oh my girls. I am so in love with Thor. <3 He is by far my favourite avenger!! He is strong, smart, funny and have you heard his deep voice?? Oh my.

  9. I loved this post. :D I do like Iron Man, how he is funny, smart and sarcastic. There are a few things he did that I was like 'WHAT THE?? Why did you do that?' But there was some other things that are like: 'Woo!!! Yeah, go Iron Man!!' I think Robert Downy Jr really played Iron Man well!! I loved it!! I cannot wait to see Iron Man 3.

    Also looking forward for an Avengers 2. Do you reckon there will be another one??

    I also heard some rumours of Thor 2. Cannot wait to see that!! I love Thor. He is by far the best Avenger yet. :D

    See ya!!
    Miss H <3

    1. Me too, Holly. :D

      There are going to be Three Avengers movies. :D :D I'm thrilled. :)

      Thor 2 is out this month, I think, not sure exactly when though.

      He's good, but I like Captain America, Hawkeye, and Iron Man a little more. :D

  10. Cool stuff. Please check out and follow:
    HG :p

    1. Thanks!

      I'll be sure to check it out soon. :)

  11. And you forgot to mention one all-important thing! He has the best lines out of all the avengers put together.

    "You're going to leave me? Just like my dad?"
    (Blink, blink) "Yep."

    "You know what keeps going through my head? Where's my sandwich?"

    I loved your post!!! :)

    1. Well yeah. That really didn't need mentioning. That part in Iron Man 3, where the kid says, "I'm cold." and he does that, "OOooh, I know! You know how I know? Because we have a connection." BaaaahHAHAHAHAHHA.

      I'm so glad! I worked hard. LOL.

  12. I think that's where most people relate to him. Sarcasm is a lot of people defense mechanism. I think a bunch of people find me annoying because of that. *wince*

    I have noticed the similarities between he and RDJ too! RDJ IS Tony Stark, with a touch more sweetness. He seems so nice, and he's such a dear when he talks about his wife. :D

    Thank you so much. :) Go for it! Let me know how that goes. :D :D :D

  13. I skimmed, because I haven't *sulk* seen Iron Man 3. I've been dodging spoilers left and right, and knowing my track record - how spoilers jump out and slap me in the face - I've been doing pretty good. All I know is that he argues with a boy and he wants a sandwich.

    But, as you know, I like him. I like all the Avengers characters because of their complexity. And I can relate to Tony in many ways. (The, hiding my real feelings by lsughing them off, ways. Sadly, I'm not a billionare.)

    1. Well that settles it. You just have to go watch it, because it's flipping fantastic, and I don't say that about many of the new films. That boy is funny.

      Sadly, few people ARE billionaires. I laugh off a lot too. I AM Iron Man!!! LOL.

  14. Got to say, I LOVE Iron Man! Seen the 1st and the 2nd movie, wanting to see the 3rd. Although I'm not sure I'm going to like it. I need a review from someone who's seen it. Since you have, do you think I should watch it, besides the scenes that really don't have to be in there, was it at all disappointing? Was it a happy feeling in the end?

    Anyway, to the point. I love Iron Man, although I have to agree with Miss H, I LOVE Thor, my hero, although Iron Man does have the best lines in the Avengers, still Thor's my hero. Ok is it just me, although I like Captain America, I think he's a little too perfect. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE him. But it's like Thor and Iron Man had to over-come their faults, but Captain America was totally faultless you know?

    Anyway, agree tatally with you Treskie, how could someone not like him? I mean, I know someone who doesn't but still. I mean it wouldn't be the Avengers without Tony Stark now would it. Imagine if he wasn't in it......boooorrrrinnnggg.....

    Love this post!

    1. Belle~~

      I thought Iron Man 3 was just as good (if not better, in some ways) than the first two in the series. Iron Man 1 is still my favorite, but I think I like three better than two. So I would say YES! Watch it! But if you're not sure about it, wait and rent it when it comes out on DVD because then if you don't like it you'll have only spent two or three dollars as opposed to ten. :)

      Aha, I like Thor a little less then Iron Man, Captain America, and Hawkeye. Captain America ISN'T perfect though, he has a temper, he has faults, his is human. :) But he was just brought up with a higher code of ethics than most people today. So he one-ups everyone behavior wise. (I shall defend him to my dying day because I find him to be the best man among the Avengers.... :D)

      Aaaaand well.... I can't say the Avengers would be BORING without Tony... it probably wouldn't be as funny, but the Avengers could never be boring. lol. :)

      Thanks for commenting!! :D


  15. Thanks for the movie advise! I'm not sure what I'm going to do, we'll see. My brothers really want to watch it, so I'm not sure. And yeah your right about Captain America, I guess I never thought of him that way, but I still think he's a little bit to perfect, but that's just my pinion :) I keep going back and forth and not knowing who's my favorite Avegner, I think right now it's Thor, but I love them all. Thanks agian!


    1. I can't choose a single favorite. I have three that I can't decide between. lol.

      Alrighty then. I just want to make sure that you know that there are three scenes for sure, with terribly dressed girls, some inappropriate dialogue, and swearing. I don't want you going to it with the idea that it's completely clean, because LIKE the other Iron Man movies, it's not. :)

      You're welcome! Cheers!

  16. THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS! I just stumbled over your blog, but I was so happy to find another Iron Man fan who actually understood Tony! I mean, the whole reason I love Tony is because he's a multi-dimensional charachter who isn't perfect but isn't horrible either! He was certianly much more grown up in Iron Man 3, but I don't even know why I'm saying that because I loved him from the first movie!

    Great post!


    1. Jamie~~

      YOU'RE WELCOME!!! LOL I really honestly don't think people look past Tony's initial snarkiness for his really character underneath. hehe. People wouldn't like me much. hahaha.

      Me too! He was my favorite Avenger until Captain America, now he's tied. :D

      Thanks for commenting!!!


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