
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Peace out, I'm Batman!





1.) My bestest cousin surprised me with a visit over the weekend. (Everyone else knew she was coming up. I did not. They keep doing that to me. lol) It was really lovely! We had lots of coffee and cookies and brownies.... (Wow. I do  talk about food a lot. It's almost like we must have food to truly have a good time!) We watched Psych and played hide-n-seek. In the dark. We went and hung out at the beach. It was funnnnnz.

Yes, we are geeky.

2.) In less than a week, something awesome is going to happen at my home! I can't tell you what it is yet... (it's a surprise for a couple of people who might take it into their heads to read my blog) BUT IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME AND I'LL TELL YOU SOON!!!

3.) I'm watching the second season of Once Upon a Time. It's good so far. I'm glad James is James again and not David.

4.) I don't like Mulan though. She's.... just terrible. And what's with the hair?

5.) I want to be completely honest with you guys. Supernatural is definitely a grown-up show. I know I have some younger people following me, and I don't want you guys to be misled into thinking that it's squeaky clean, because it's not, always. There's usually an inappropriate line or conversation, and so far there's been one or two episodes a season that have a shameful scene in it. My sister and I have skipped a couple episodes because of said scenes. I don't want to recommend it to anyone without warning you first. It can get a little bit dirty.

And now, I shall away, with a flit and a flutter and a cheerful... something or other.



  1. Ooh suspense! I can't wait to find out!!! And thanks for lettting us know about Supernatural. I'm so lucky to have found you, my friend. my family is like that too, we are careful of what we watch and stuff.

    Good night Batman. :P

    1. lol. I'm not sure just how awesome it'll be for you guys, but it'll be awesome for me. :)

      I'm glad you trust my opinion.


    2. I definitely trust you! :D


  2. bahahaha! that last picture killed me. most epicest poem ever i say. xD

    1. I know! Did you read it in his voice? I did. lol

  3. I have missed reading your blog!

    Yay for surprise visits!!!! Who doesn't love those?

    Something awesome? I'll keep my eyes and ears open for when you post about it!

    Not having seen Once Upon a Time, I'm wondering, what makes Mulan so awful? Is she a villain in the series, or just a complicated character?

    I've been seeing all the things you and your sisters have been pinning about Supernatural, and some of them are pretty funny. Based on what I've read about it, the show isn't my cup of tea right now. But, you never know, you all might just make me curious enough that I try it! :)

    1. Aw, I'm glad! lol.

      I honestly don't know who doesn't like surprise visits. Unless, of course, it's someone you don't know... then maybe you wouldn't like them.

      Uh... Mulan's character is fine, the actress is just... not much of an actress. She feels fake.

      Oh, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't watch Supernatural. Most people I know wouldn't like it. It's just... one of those acquired tastes, you know? It IS funny, and it is awesome, but I can totally see where you're coming from with not wanting to watch it. lol.

  4. Surprise visits are the best! :) I really ought to give OUAT another try.... After I finish Supernatural, that is.... Ah. Glad you mentioned the fact that it's not perfectly clean.... It totally would have a high PG-13 rating if it were a movie... :P {Not to mention Netflix actually says that it's good for people 16 and over.....which is a good hint that it's got some less-than-appropriate scenes}. Whenever I get around to an actual review of the show on my blog I'll have to remember to point that out. If I forget, you have my permission to slap me. ;)


    1. They are!

      Oh you should. The dialogue could use some work, but it is fun. Bella is obsessed with it, but right now SPN is sort of drowning out it's awesomeness.

      Speaking of which, we're going to watch the s2 finales tonight. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I DON'T WANNA WATCH YOU KNOW WHO DIIIEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SCARED!!

      Yeah, I just realized how I keep going on about it, and I would have felt terrible if someone had gone, "ooooh Treskie likes it! We should watch it!" and then seen a bad episode and be like, "WE TRUSTED HER." so I needed to clear my conscience. lol.

      I have permission to slap you!?!? WOooO! LOL just kidding. I'll just be sure to remind you. hehe.

  5. Cousins are the bestest people in the world, or one of the best. They are like siblings you can send home when they get on your nerves, but who will always be there for you.
    I am glad you got to spend time with yours! Looks like you two had fun.

    Can't wait to hear what the cool thing is that is happening at your house!!

    1. They really are. lol Luckily we see each other rarely enough that we've never had a fight, and her visits are short enough that she doesn't have time to get on my nerves. lol. We did have loads of fun. Hehe. We're awesome, and modest too. lol

      You already know about it. I told you in an email, I think. lol.

  6. LOVE IT. Few things, 1. The first picture<3 GAH Megamind is like my favorite hilarious.
    2. YAY A FELLOW ONCEUPONATIMER!!! I'm actually on the 2nd season too! I came in late on the game and have been catching up. I love it as well. However, I do like Mulan. I think they develop her a bit more as they go a long...she's a bit harsh, but she's also fiercly loyal and I think she has people's best interest in mind when she does things.

    1. I KNOW! I usually answer the phone like that if it's someone I know. lol.

      Same here with OUAT. Don't get me wrong, I like Mulan's character... but I think the actress is weak. Maybe it's just me, and I hold nothing against you if you disagree, but... yeah. lol. I only just started the second season, I think we're on e3, so no spoilers! lol

  7. Haha love that last little picture. :P Glad you had a good time with your cousin! I've only watched a couple of episodes of the first season and some bits and pieces of YouTube from the second season, so I haven't seen any of Mulan - so I wouldn't know what she's like. Man, Rumple is so creepy...but so cool. ;P

    1. Me too! lol.

      Oh, I'm glad you got a chance to watch a few episodes! Mulan's just hard for me to deal with. She doesn't come into it until the second season. I love Rumple but he's such a stinker!!

  8. I cannot (I say, CANNOT) wait for the SURPRISE!!! It will be totally awesome

    See ya Batman!

  9. PS. I love OnceUponATime! I've seen the first season, now I am trying to do the second season (I've seen half). But it is kinda a but confusing for a young girl like me. :D So I don't watch it that often, and over here in my lovely country, the season is already finished so we have to like, get it out of the video store. :( And it's not even at the video store yet!!

    cry cry

    1. lol, I'm going to say again, I don't know how much you guys will care. It's kind of a family thing. LOL.

      I'm glad you like OUAT too! It's really fun, eh? It might be on netflix if you can't find it at a video store

  10. Ooh, surprise visits rock! I've been the surprise visitor before, and it is so much fun! Glad you had a great time with your cousin!

    I love Once Upon a Time! I've only seen 2 or 3 episodes of season 2 though. I either don't get around to watching it, or am actually too busy to watch it. I better get caught up! Season 3 is premiering soon!

    I can't wait to find out what the surprise is!

    1. I know, me too. lol. It's fun seeing the look of surprise on their face, isn't it? :D

      Same here, I've only seen the first three.

      lol! You'll know soon, I swear. lol

  11. Look what I found and made me think of you.

    1. Aw, those are adorable, Hilda. :) Thanks for thinking of me.

  12. Cousins are...awesome :). That's all I can say :D.

    A surprise? Great, now another thing to keep me up at night -insert pathetic eye-roll gif here-. I go a bit crazy whenever there's something I can't know about for a while...I usually end up screaming into a pillow :P. I'm not necessarily proud of that...:D.

    Never seen OUAT, though many of my friends are obsessed.

    Have to agree with you there, Supernatural is not something you would want to watch with young children. I like to think about it this way: I'd feel sort of awkward if my parents walked in during one of those..."adult" scenes...even more so if I was younger, so steer clear!

    Lovely post as ever, Treskie! (And love the poem at the end...intense superhero geek myself :))
    <3 Hermione

    PS: OH! I almost forgot to mention! I tried out that shirt bleaching technique of yours--L-O-V-E it! Made my sister one for her birthday!

    1. They are, they are. :D

      Haha, now I feel bad about mentioning the surprise, because I don't know how much you guys will care. lol. It's more of a family thing with me and I was SUPER excited about it when I posted this. lol.

      OUAT is good. There are a couple things that could use some work, (Mainly the dialogue) but it's worth the watch, defo.

      Noooooo. It's not something to watch with Kids. OR parents!! It's funny how things can be mostly harmless when you watch them, but when your mom comes in, suddenly ALL the inappropriate stuff happens. We always skip those scenes or cover our eyes. lol. We're diligent.

      Thanks! (since you're a super hero geek, what do you think of Ben Affleck as Batman? *shudder* I'm not hugely into that idea.)

      OOOH OH OH OH OH!!! IT WORKED!? YAAYAYAYAYA!!!! I'm so glad! We're going to get more shirts tomorrow actually, and have a bleach fest. LOL. :D

  13. Would you be willing to do a simple how-to on how you draw your faces from the side? I fail terribly whenever I try, and so far no books have helped.

    1. Sure, I can do that! Um... it might not be until next week or so, but I'll definitely give it a go.

    2. Thnaks so much! You made my day!

  14. Stopping by to say hi and that I miss ya! :) I also miss Amy.

    Have a blessed Sunday. :D

    1. Yay. Okay, no problem. :D

      If you have the chance and want to, i'm doing a giveaway.

  15. Hello Treskie!
    Becca and I tagged you for a book giveaway!


    1. Oh, okay thanks! :D I'll try and do it soon. :)


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