
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Belated Picture Saturday

I have been fighting off a cold/flu/virus/thing for about three weeks now. My family's been succumbing to it for ages, and me, the healthy, the awesome, have been heroically battling this cruel thing for a while.

And then I woke up this morning.

With a sore throat.


Actually it's not that bad yet, but I am officially wiped out. So that makes me sad. 

Anyway, that is not of import.

I was supposed to be character sketching all this week. 


*Crazed laugh.*

Next week, I shall do that, baby. I did this instead. 

That impala?

I am proud of that impala. 

Absurdly and ridiculously proud. 

It's even shaped right. And it's a freaking car, and not a person!!!!!!!!


I am absurd. 

I apologize.

I'm going to go take a nap now. 



  1. That is an awesome picture.

    Sorry about your cold though. That is NEVER fun. :-P

    1. Thankee kindly, m'dear! :D

      Nope, colds kind of stink. lol.

  2. I LOVE this! You are such a good artist Treskie!

  3. Nice car. I can't even draw bodies, just heads. And my heads improve, but my bodies... or anything else I try to draw... not so much. :) Get well soon.

    1. Thanks. But aww, your drawings are good! I always enjoy looking at your art.

      I'll try! * coughs sadly into her sleeve*

  4. I hate that feeling when you know you're coming down with something, but it takes FOREVER to get all the way, staying-in-bed, sick. Sometimes, I just stop taking vitamins and let it come, just to get it over with. ;) Hope you're all feeling better soon!

    Okay, that drawing is fantastic!! That care is so, so good!!

    1. Hahahahaha. I think I'm getting a lesser version of it than anyone else, because I've been popping vitamin C like a mad thing. But you never know, I could suddenly take a turn for the worse. lol. (please nooo!)

      Thank you! I rather fancy it. :)

  5. Cool blog look, especially the banner. i love it!!! ❤️

    Get well real soon. Ugh, this weird weather is making everyone sick. Just yesterday i started getting cough attacks again!

    1. Yeah? You think?? Yaaaaaay!!!!

      Urg, I hate coughing! But we have no right to be getting sick, our weather is like fifty times warmer than everywhere else. *sigh*

  6. I woke up with the same heavy-headed, burning-throat thing yesterday. I spent the whole day in bed reading The Queen's Thief. It wasn't too bad, as far as sick days go.

    1. Oooooooooooh. The Queen's Thief by Megan Whalen Turner??? I *love* that book, and that series, and Eugenides! I hope you feel better soon! *coughs*

  7. you SHOULD be proud of that impala!! it's glorious.
    being sick is no fun. definitely not glorious. i'm sorry you've got the sickies!

    1. Thank you muchly!

      We're dropping like flies, and it takes a while to get over it. LOL! Yay for sickness....

  8. Lovely car Treskie! Very nice!
    I'm sorry you have a sore throat, have you gargled with salt water and had lots of honey and lemon juice? that's what we do at our house : )
    Hope you feel better!
    Becca (masquerading as Bethany)

    1. Thanks, Becca!

      Oh, I've tried everything. I've even had a hot toddy which only put me to sleep. lol. The salt water seemed to help though. Maybe I'll do it again.
      Me too. Hehehe.

  9. So maybe I don't know what show Winchester is from. But I love the impala! Actually I love the whole picture. I'm terrible at drawing people. I can draw roses, and wintertime trees. . . that's about it.

    1. It's probably best that you don't know what show the Winchesters are from. It's... got problems. lol.

      See though, I can draw people, but roses and trees and other things? Rubbbbish. XD

  10. THAT IS AN AWESOME CAR. Seriously. Awesome.

  11. That is an amazing car. I am freaking in love with it. You should frame it, because it is so real looking! And Sammy and Dean are amazing, wonderful job!!!!

    Get better fast!!

    1. I'm contemplating printing it out smaller so I can stick it on my Supernatural corkboard. (yes, I have one.) Thanks to you, I might do that as soon as I am up again. lol.

      I shall do my very bestest!


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