
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Fingerless Gloves // Tutorial

So I had this really cute pair of socks.

And somebody (I won't say who) decided to borrow them and snag them on something so that a great big hole made an appearance in the general area of the toes.

This caused me much sadness.

So I shoved them in my top drawer and forgot about them until a few days ago when I was cleaning out my dresser.

I took them out and examined them, and decided I didn't want to throw them away.

Therefore I turned them into fingerless gloves, like so:

You'll need:

*A pair of socks
*A needle and thread

1.) Okay, so first, pull your sock over your hand, with your thumb where the heel goes.

2.) Cut the tip of the sock off, and a small hole for you thumb.

3.) Fold the top under so that it rests against the first set of knuckles, and do a gather-stitch

Like so

4.) And then you whip-stitch around the thumb hole.

Like so

5.) Wear with pride. *Grin*

That is all.




  1. Aah! Super cute! I'll have to try that!

  2. Those are adorable. You know, I actually have a pair of socks tucked away somewhere and I had the same idea for them? *Bugs out eyes and points* I should really stop being lazy and just make them. They are really cute.

    See? I could have just gone, "FINGERLESS GLOOOOVES" ....but I didn't. lol

    1. .... Really, you are too kind. FINGERLESS GLOVESSSS would have cracked me up. lol.

      It only takes about an hour to make them. :D

  3. This sounds so cool! I'll have to try it sometime.

  4. I love those gloves!! ;)
    honestly, I don't even watch supernatural because it is a bit too creepy for me but I did see the fight the fairies clip and now I cant stop saying it!! and its all your fault!! :D

    1. Aw, thanks!

      .... Probably better that you don't watch Supernatural. It's a horrible addicting show, and I have a love/hate relationship with it. (the first season was definitely the creepiest. I haven't been creeped since s1.)

      The fight the Fairies scene is iconic! Even my nieces quote it to me. lol.

  5. Those are so lovely!!!
    I will have to make those soon:0)

  6. I NEED TO DO THIS. I have so many cute socks that mysteriously get destroyed...but they'd still make good gloves. Not that it really gets cold enough for gloves where I live, but still. It would awesome.

    1. hahah! I'm glad other people save their destroyed socks too. lol

      That's why fingerless gloves are nice, because they don't look like *glove* gloves, they're more just a cute accessory. lol

  7. Oh, I am SO doing this. I never would have thought of that.

    1. Haha! Cool! I want to see pictures, kay??

    2. Okay! I have more short socks than long at the moment....but I'll think of something :D

  8. I think it is marvelous you are wearing socks on your hands. I think I will do this with my Doctor Who socks which are falling to bits.

    1. I think it very daring of me. Soon it will be all the rage and EVERYONE will wear socks on their hands! lalalalal! lol.

  9. Aww darling! Always wanted to find a way to make some of those... the only question now is which socks shall be my victims...

  10. I wonder if one could turn them inside out and stitch out some finger slots, too...

    Forgive the sporadic multiple posts! =)

    1. No worries, I like multiple comments. lol!

      You probably could turn them inside out and make fingers, but I'm not sure, you might need to get an oversized sock for that one, because you'd need more fabric to stitch, ya know?


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