
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My favorite illustrators.

Illustrations make a children's story.

I mean, think about it, would Fancy Nancy be the same without the illustrations? What about Angelina Ballerina? When you say Angelina Ballerina, you don't think:

"More than anything else in the world, Angelina loved to dance. She danced all the time, and she danced everywhere, and often she was so busy dancing that she forgot about the other things she was supposed to be doing."
                                   From Angelina Ballerina by Katherine Holabird

No, you think:

Am I right?

Illustrations are very important in children's books.

I'm warning you right now. This is a very long gushy post.

My very favorite books when I was really little were the ones with the most diverting pictures.

                    Tomie dePaola's Strega Nona books are awesome.

                        Madaline? She was such a brave little girl!

                                  The Sam books are adorable...

And then, by the time I was reading actual novels, I'd gotten to the point where I wouldn't actually read the picture books: I'd just look at the pictures. And then I figured out the kind of artist I did not want to be. Ever.

Did Dr. Seuss's illustrations scare anyone else?

Or how about M. D. Bodecker's Half Magic cover? (that book is awesome, by the way...)

I started really liking Trina Schart Hyman's work. The woman was incredible when it came to colors and style!

from Snow White
Snow White
Her illustrations for St. George and the Dragon were some of my favorites.

Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol

And Sleeping Beauty

And of course... there are all the rest, but I'm going to restrain myself. Ish.

My sister bought me The Ordinary Princess when I was about nine or ten. It's a delightful book, written and illustrated by M. M. Kaye. I wonder why she didn't draw more? I think that was the only book she ever illustrated. **sigh** The book itself reads how the pictures look, if that's anything to go by.

        The end of this book makes me cry every time. It's so sweet. :)

Kinuko Y. Craft does absolutely gorgeous illustrations. She captures light so well, and she has such detail in every picture that you can just sit and look for ages.

Even her black and white drawings are beautiful:

P. J. Lynch illustrates my favorite version of The Gift of the Magi.

And also The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey. Both books make me sniffle by the end of them. In a good way.

Robin Preiss Glasser does the illustrations for Fancy Nancy. Seriously... Can anyone imagine these books without the pictures?

The books would not be the same with out the over-the-top fancy illustrations.

Okay and finally! My sister Kat is a huge source of jealousy for me, because she's quite the artist herself. I tend to look at her work and think, "And I used to think was talented." But hey ho, that makes me practice.

Katrina DeLallo Copyright

Katrina DeLallo Copyright
Katrina DeLallo Copyright
(You really must click on the dragon one! The dragon itself took her three hours--She did every scale one at a time. twice.)

As it is, I hope my style of drawing manages to take on a few of these illustrators' characteristics. They say that imitation is the best form of flattery, but I don't want to copy them, I just want to do their inspirations justice. They are an amazingly talented group people and I find that when I look at their work I get the feeling that maybe one day I'll manage to pluck up the courage to take a few art classes... and maybe come a children's book illustrator myself.

God bless!



  1. I LOVED Angelina Ballerina!!! And those drawings! Amazing! I wish I could draw like that. And I think your drawings are great. Maybe you should write a children's book (I have to write one for English. The writing part was okay. The drawing... not so much...) :)

    1. I actually didn't read Angelina Ballerina until my little sister found them at the library... But yeah. I love her too, she's such a funny wee mouseling. (Everyone in my family has informed me that I act just like her. I find myself somewhat insulted.)

      Oooh you had to write a children's story for English? That's cool. What's it about? I had to make up and illustrate my own myth last year in my literature course. Myths are hard! But I got a good grade so I was happy. :)

  2. WOW!!! I just want to look at this over and over again. It reminds me how far I have to go with my drawings.... And how far I CAN go!!!! <3 this one to death!

    1. I know! Aren't they the best? They're such amazing artists. :) I'm glad you liked the post, it took me forever to pick and choose through my favorite pictures. You should post more of your drawings, I love seeing other people's work. x

  3. oooh Pretty! If you had to chose, which illustrator would you want to be the most like? you don't need to answer that :)


    1. I'd want a little bit of each of them. I like them ALL. lol

  4. Wow! I've only read a couple of those! Maybe it's time to break out the library card and go to the children's section in the library soon... ;) I can't draw anything besides a smiley face, so those are super good... I'm sure that you'd do great as a illustrator! That would be a fun job if you enjoy it... Have fun when you take art classes!

    1. You should! Children's books can be so much fun! :)

      lol I'm still trying to work up the courage to take classes, so we'll see. But hey, illustrating would be an ideal job for me. :)

  5. *Looks at illustrations* Oh! I used to love so many of those books when I was little. :} Still do. I've always loved Winnie the Pooh.

    *Looks at your sister's dragon drawing* Oh. My. Goodness. *falls over and dies* *gets back up after making sure self is in fact not really dead* That is such a wonderful picture! She did well to really add lighting and shading to those spooky corners of the trees, and the scales on the dragon are exquisite! It really looks like something you could find in a children's book where that brave knight must rescue the princess and defeat the dragon guarding her. It doesn't even need color it's that awesome. :} Thanks for sharing!

    1. lol, Seana, you always make me smile. :) (see?)

      I KNOW! Isn't the dragon AWESOME? Yeah. I think that's from Kat's retelling of Sleeping Beauty... I drooled over that picture for ages the first time I saw it. I still do... Only I've controlled the drooling a little.

      Thanks for commenting!
      God bless!


    3. A day without a smile is like a day without chocolate. :}

      Sleeping Beauty...I've always loved that story. <3

      Fear not, you are not the only one who drooled at the sight of her drawing. I think I may have drooled on my hand which is rather gross, actually.

      You're quite welcome.

      Idea! DING DING DING! *light bulb* You should try drawing Winnie the Pooh sometime! I'm sure you could do it.

    4. Oh good! I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one infatuated with that picture. :)

      OOh I should try drawing Winnie the Pooh. He is such a dear Bear With Very Little Brain. Maybe I'll give it a go sometime... But right now I'm working on a picture for my soon-to-come 20 follower give away. :D

  6. I still read chilren's books because I love the pictures. Some of them are so lovely and bring the story to life so well.

    1. I do the same thing! (As if you couldn't tell from the post...) I I don't think I will ever grow up in that regard. :)

  7. Oh cool, I've read that book "Half Magic". It is cool! :) Have you read the Ramona Quimby series? I totally recommend.

    1. Hey! So excited you joined. :)

      Yeah, I've read all the Ramona Quimby books. They're fun. I love reading!

  8. Oh, I think you're right. I think Haddock does say, "I've forgotten." I love that line so much, it is so funny. Snowy kind of going, "Oh great." and rolling his eyes.

    1. :) I thought so. Haddock is so funny, and so quotable! Like when he says that whole line about, "You'll ne'er ge' away wi' et, ye wee sour-faced sassenach." Ridiculously fun to say.

      And yes, I loved Snowy, that dog was such a great character. lol


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