
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I am becoming a Whovian.


This is going to be a Random Facts post. I haven't done one of these in a while.

Six Random Facts:

1.) Sorry I've been rather lax in posting lately. Let's blame it on the fact that I started school this week. I find it most distressingly unfair that in Britain I would already be finished with school--I would have been finished for a year or more. But hey ho, life goes on. And I console myself by repeating that I shall graduate in June. :)


2.) I have been watching entirely too many British shows.

3.) I love Doctor Who. I think I might be the most obsessed in my family. But I've always liked science fiction. I was the girl who loved the original Star Treks.

4.) Because of certain people I know, I tend to refer to soccer as football. And I am unabashedly a Celtics supporter.

5.) Every time I look at a banana, I get the urge to say either, "Excellent source of potassium!" or "I like bananas. Bananas are good." in my best Christopher Eccleston impersonation.

                            *note to self: too much Who-ish-ness.*

6.) This is the latest I have ever posted. The time is 10:40pm.

And there you have it.

God bless!



  1. Treskie,

    Heehee! I liked your post! :D Tell me when you get to Matt Smith. He's my personal favorite Doctor. :D Sherlock! I loved the first series! I still have to watch the last two episodes of series 2.....I was too irritated at the time to watch them after seeing the first episode of series 2. :-P

    But now I want to. Family Video doesn't have Sherlock or Doctor Who.... Heh! How rude! Or Merlin. *shakes head* They just don't know what's good!

    Have a lovely day!


    1. Hey, Anna!

      I will let you know when I get to Matt Smith. As it is, I'm only halfway through the second season, so it might be a little while. :)

      Oh. Sherlock. Yes....well. The first episode of the second season was absolutely horrid! It's not even a necessary episode, I'll never watch it again. They handled Irene Adler all wrong and I seriously doubt Sherlock could have ever fallen for her. The only reason to have that episode is to see how Sherlock and Watson got out of that sticky situation with Moriarty, and then you can skip the rest of the episode. HOWEVER! The other two shows in that season are AWESOME! They totally measure up to the first season and they're clean again. You should finish watching the second season... I cried in the last episode, Martin Freeman is such a good actor! Ahem.

      I've never heard of Family that like netflix? The Merlins are pretty good too. lol..

      Go Whovians!


  2. Hello, fellow Doctor Who geek. I'm someone who understands you banana references, and who wishes she sounded more like Nine so saying such lines would sound cooler.

    "Who am I to question history?" "Usually the first in line."

    It makes me happy to see you've been pulled into the wonderful world of Doctor Who, even if that does sound evil of me. 8-D

    Also, YIPEE! Someone who knows about Sky Captain. I was starting to think only my cousin and I had ever seen it.


    1. :) Fellow Doctor Who geek sounds good. I'm pretty good at imitating accents, so I can do Nine's okay. Wheee!

      I like being a whovian. :)

      Sky Captain is cool. I like it!

  3. For some reason, I read your title and thought you said, "I am becoming a Foovian." And I thought to myself, "Treskie reads Obert Skye books?! Huzzah!"
    *reads title again and notices post has nothing to do with Leven Thumps series*
    *feels stupid* you may have noticed, I feel stupid! :} But that is okay. I feel stupid on many occasions. It is a daily happening.

    To explain my little outburst there, the Leven Thumps series takes place on both Earth and a land called Foo, hence the term "Foovian". (The author of these books is Obert Skye, and the series is probably a tad young for you, but being as I am indeed younger than you, I thoroughly enjoyed them. ^_^)

    Anyway, just thought I'd clear that up.

    <3 Seana

    1. Well hey, WHEN I write (which happens rarely enough that I consider myself much more of an illustrator than a writer...) I tend to write for either middle grade or young adult readers. This means that I read a lot of books fitting into those labels. :) I still read middle grade books and thoroughly enjoy them, so I might have to give the Leven Thumps a chance.

      :) God bless!

  4. There is no such thing as too much Doctor Who. The end. ;D

    1. lol no there really isn't, is there? :) I am quite absurdly fond of the Doctor.

  5. Doctor who:D Somehow I've become quite the fan. I find myself saying "Fantastic" all the time! Christopher is awesome and the Best, but David is super cool. I LOVE DR. WHO!!! and there you have it :)


  6. Hello Treskie!!

    :D should definitely watch Swing Kids!!! It's a bit sad but sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so so so so so good!!!!!!!! :D

    Whaaat?!?! You like Newsies too????? Awesome! It's one of my all-time-favorites! I love Jack Kelly. (errr.....Sullivan...? O.o I like Jack Kelly better, personally.)'s sad. Christian Bale's character is a bit of a brat. He does turn good in the very end though.....but by that point you pretty much hate him. But it's REALLY cool to see him play a bad-guy, seeing as all the movies I've seen with him he plays the good guy. oh, and I guess you could give him SOME credit for the fact that he was mega-brainwashed by the Nazis..... but yeah. You should watch it. It's so good.

    And even if Thomas (Christian Bale) is a Nazi brat - the guy Peter WAAAAYYYY makes up for it! He's one of my favorite characters of all time. And I'm not exaggerating. ;)

    Also, if you do end up watching it, it may seem really depressing in the beginning - but at a certain point it goes from sad to AWESOME!! so yeah. :D

    Thanks for the comment!!!!!!


    1. Anna--

      Hmmm. If he turns back to good at the end of it, I might be more inclined to give the movie a chance. lol. And I know that the Nazis did brainwash the kids in the Hitler Youth. (I KNOW these things you see... :) So yes, I shall probably try to watch it sometime. Soon. Promise. And I'll let you know what I think of it, okay?

      Question: does Peter Muller get beat up? It looks like he does in the pictures on your blog. That would be cool. Not because I don't like Peter but because I LOVE beating up scenes. I'm very odd that way. :)

      You're welcome for the comment! (isn't it such fun to get them?)

      God bless!

  7. You were in Scotland?! One of my dreams is to go and see Wallace's sword. I've heard it is very tall, as you said. I read that Wallace didn't really know much about fighting. He was just taller and stronger then most Scots so hacked his way through the enemy.
    I have issues with Braveheart. I agree, there was really nothing historically true with the movie. (I am always careful talking about it becuase I could do a very long rant about just how badly they messed it up.)

    I agree, the author shouldn't have killed Primrose. As for the movie, I saw it and compared to the few chapters I read I did like it better. Katniss was somewhat endurable. Also, aye, you can hide behind Rodger's shield with me. *Makes room*

    Congratulations 8-D You knew what I was talking about with the Unicorn. How did I not know you like Tintin? Shocking! I've sought out everyone who likes the books and movie. 8-D


    1. I know! They completely destroyed Wallace's character about halfway through. That thing with the Princess never happened. Grrr. I still get irritated when I think about it. :)

      Tintin. :) He is one of the most awesome animated characters of all time. (He and Flynn Rider.) I loved the movie so much! I've only read a few of the comic books, but the amount of people who didn't know about them is insane. My sister owned a few and I plowed through them when I was about ten.

      Isn't Haddock awesomely quotable? :D


  8. Ha! Those are like all of my favorite tv shows! I have been waiting so long to see season 2 of the Sherlock Holmes show! Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is one of the funniest movies ever!

    And I LOVE THE DOCTOR!!!!!!! David Tennent is my favorite! <3

    1. BBC does the best TV shows. :)

      HOWEVER the first episode of the second season of Sherlock is BAD. They ruined Irene Adler's character and made her super immoral and sleazy. Let's just say either you watch it edited, with clearplay, or have a remote control handy, because that first episode is depressingly bad. (The only reason we watched it was to see how that situation with Moriarty was handled.
      The other two episodes are fantastic, however, and live up to the first season's epicness. :)

      I love the Doctor two! David and Christopher are tied right now, but I do like how Christopher was a little more mature that David's doctor. :)

      God bless!


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Thanks so much for stopping by, darling.