
Monday, September 10, 2012

This post has no title.

I want all of these T-shirts:

Aren't they awesome?

Which one would you choose? I can't decide. :)

God bless! 



  1. Hmm...hard decision. I'd probably get either the Doctor Who TARDIS one or the Captain American one. Actually, really love the Captain American one, now that I look at it again...;) But they're all great, really!

    1. I know! I keep vacillating wildly over which one to get. :)

  2. The Captain America one is MINE!

  3. Treskie,

    I'd choose Capt America, Doctor Who, and Jason Bourne!!! :D I'd probably want the Jason Bourne one the most, though! :D


    1. Yeah, that's what I started out with too...But the Ironman Arc Reactor shirt is pretty frikken cool. And I'm an LOTR freak, so.... yeah. I just want them all. :)

  4. I am a LOTR fan too... but not one that speaks Elvish. I'd pick the last shirt. Where did you find these shirts?

    ~Robyn Hoode

    1. Hey, Robyn!

      All of these shirts are on Amazon. :) Isn't that last one pretty? (well, as pretty as a T can be...) Nice and subtle, it doesn't scream LOTR FAN at people.

  5. Those tee shirts are cool. I want the Doctor Who one, or one that says, "Keep Calm, I'm a Doctor." Or "Keep Calm and Call the Doctor." Sadly, I live in an uncool town and no one would get it.

    Welcome to Hermits United. What is your thoughts on caves?

    I have a feeling many people mad those expressions at Moffat after Adler. (Sadly, I didn't get to see an abridged version. My sister and I turned it on, and suffered through the whole thing saying, "It's Moffat, he's going to fix it...somehow." Then it ended. "MOFFAT RUINED IT!!! HE SHOULD BE GLAD HE LIVES IN ENGLAND AND WE'RE TOO POOR TO FLY OVER THERE TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    I've seen pictures of Watson's face after Sherlock dies and they make me choke up. I'm going to loose it when I see it. The man is a brilliant actor, I agree, but he ruins ones resolve not to bawl ones eyes out.

    Thank you for not biting off your finger, I'd have felt bad.


    1. Eerie. I live in an uncool town too, I think the only people who would get it would be my friends. But hey. I. Would. Be. Wearing. A. Doctor. Who. Shirt. :)

      My thoughts on caves? As long as they're dry and relatively free of bugs I'm okay with them. I'd rather have a police phone box though.

      Even edited it wasn't a good episode. They made Adler too dirty, and I thought it worked way better when she was just clever and she and Sherlock had battles of wits. (did you even think she was pretty? Or did you find her somewhat unattractive?) Watson has a bit of a soliloquy in front of Sherlock's gravestone which was what really send me over the edge. (no pun intended.) I was like, "SHERLOCK! YOU'D BETTER TELL HIM THAT YOU'RE ALIVE OR I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU!!"

      Ahem. :)

      God bless!

  6. If I had to chose.... Iron man and the Tardis t-shirt, defo. I'd also like a Sherlock t-shirt. Sherlocks awesome. The 2nd season began baddly though. The first episode was too dirty and shaky. It ended well.... if Watson thinking sherlocks dead is a good ending. I was like "SHERLOCK! TELL WATSON YOU'RE ALIVE! NOW!


  7. Oh goodness! If I could't choose them all than I would narrow them down to Doctor Who, Iron Man, and Captain America. :D

    1. I just plan on buying them all... Or hinting not-so-subtly around Christmas time. :)

    2. LOL! Good plan! What site are they on?

    3. they're on Amazon. They range from about 15 to 20 dollars. :)


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