
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Picture Saturday-- Gunslinger

Today I'm linking up with Katrina for "Drawing With Cat" over at The World Crafter

Behold my gunslinger. 

I'm rather proud of him. I even like his face! =)

Now I'm off to NaNo my weekend away! Lalalalalalala..... 

God bless!


  1. Squeeeeeeeee! That's way exciting! Lookie, lookie, it's my picture drawn by someone else! How cool is that?

    Of course, me being me, I've pulled up both pictures and am comparing them. I like my face better than yours, but your hair is freakin' awesome. Your gun is better, too, and while yours has fine, manly hands, I think I like my guy's hands better. I like my arms and legs a bit more too, but I think it's a toss-up on the coat.

    This is so cool! Isn't it amazing how you can have the exact same diagram, but the appearance ends up being YOURS? I look at that picture and think, yes, Treskie drew this. It's an odd, but exhilarating experience. :)

    1. Boing boing boing! You sounded so excited!

      And then you proceeded to dare to compare yours and mine... And I sat there doing the same thing. I think your guy's face looks older and more assassin-like, while mine looks more like an Alex Rider-y type character. I agree with you on the hands, mine are a bid malformed... but I think my arms are better and less scrawny?? XD Oh.... such competition.

      And yes, I don't know why my style is so obviously TRESKIE, I kind of don't like that about my work. lol.

      SO happeh you semi-approved XD

    2. Not daring to compare, and not semi-approving at all! Well, maybe a little. With the comparing, that is. I approved 100%. :)

  2. I love it, Treskie! Really. He's fantastic. Probably one of my favorite pictures of yours.

    1. he's one of my favorites also. XD I love violent people.

  3. OK, stop showing us all up with your impeccable drawing talents. Enough already. The drawing is beautiful, as always. I think now I shall go and cry.

    1. Aw, don't cry, Rose! I just copied it, step by step, from my sister's blog. (And between you and me, his right arm needs serious work. :D)

  4. I love it. He looks almost like he has a hidden smile. Like a little Mona Lisa-esque to it.

    1. Thanks, Seana. :D lol... I just cannot manage a scowl! Grrrr. I need to work on that.

  5. Taking the risk that I am likely going to insult him, He is cute! And I mean that in the mannliest way possible. Very nice picture!

    Aye, I have to keep reminding myself WHY Sherlock cannot tell Watson he isn't dead. But I don't want to. I want to slug Sherlock and yell, "TELL HIM! NOW! You're making your best friend miserable!!"
    I bet the Doctor did get there somehow. He's always in the middle of these things. "Sherlock, you need to fake your death? Here's my TARDIS."

    Laughing over my post is fine 8-D I laughed through some of the cover annoyances, when I wasn't threatening my computer. "You see what Sherlock did there? Well, act right or you will test how he lived." *Push* And I would sit back, smug and happy

    1. LOL thanks, Jack. No, he's not insulted, he thinks the same thing. He's a bit smug that way. XD

      I know what you mean about Sherlock... grrrr. I guess I must simply wait for the third season so that Watson can be happeh again. :)

      Well.... I'm glad you didn't push your computer. :) The cover turned out well in spite of its contrariness.

  6. "AND....... My picture!! Isn't he amazing? No no it was nothing.... just through together a few lines, you know how it goes...." *grin*

    Good Job Treski, you've really improved
    God Bless


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