
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Picture Saturday-- Doodles

It's been a while since I've done one of these hasn't it?

To be honest, I haven't been drawing much. Sometimes I try to draw and the pictures all turn out badly and disproportionate. Upon which I look with despair at the artwork in front of me and think, "I should give up. This is pointless. I'm not an illustrator. I'm not an artist."

But that's stupid of me. Sure, I'm not as good as other people, and sure, sometimes my drawings are pretty awful. But I love it and I'm going to keep going with it, even if I never become anything more than a blogger who posts pictures. :)

Captain Haddock says it brilliantly, I think. :)

So here. A doodle page I did when I was staying with my sister. 

Now, here's the thing. ^ She was not supposed to turn out as River Song! I just wanted to do a sassy gunslinger. *cough* But I've been sort of over dosing on Doctor Who lately. And she just went from sassy, to curly haired, to a jean jacket and then I was like, "Heck. I'll just draw River."

Hehehehehehehehe! Too much DW? Prolly. 
But I drew that without the use of a reference picture. 

I'm rather proud. 



  1. iloveyourdoodles<3 So beautiful<3

  2. "Ye het a wahll, ye paush thru' et"... Brilliant. I use that line occasionally, not really meaning to quote, but just becasue it is so *so* applicable!

    I like your doodles. I hope you start posting more. Might encourage others (cough, cough Cat...) To do the same! :-D

    1. Quite. "Yeh Puishh thru' et"

      heheheh. :) I'll give her the message.

  3. I like River Song. I really, really like River Song. Both the actor in DW, and your drawing. :)

  4. You draw better than I do! That's pretty good. You should be proud of yourself. :)

  5. I immediately thought, "River Song" when I saw that "doodle" as you so modestly call them. They're good, and you should keep drawing like it's a source of oxygen. I've said it before (and heck - I'll say it again): your people have a real strange quality to them, the way their bodies are slightly stretched out, and I love that about them!

  6. haha! :D She's fantastic! It looks just like her. ^_^ <3

  7. You are SUCH a good artist.................
    I could never--
    Ok, I'm done.

  8. To answer your q about Les Mes...the lovely ladies song is very very short and brief. However, the master of the house song has some innapropiate scenes in it so i would recommend going to the bathroom during that song? Or you could wait too, but personally i think that's all you have to watch out for. They don't even sing the whole lovely ladies song...its pretty brief. I hope that helped!? And i admire your discretion:)

    1. lol cool. I'll have to see then. I think I might go if someone wants to go with me, but if not, I'll just wait. :)
      Thanks for answering so quickly! *grin*

  9. They are all very beautiful - I love the hair, it's so realistic! <3

  10. You are a very talented artist!

  11. I love the picture!! And your River. Her hair is perfect!


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