
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Stories in the Mind linkup

Alrighty everyone.

I'm going to do the Stories in the Mind linkup again!

It's been a while because I still get so very, very nervous about posting my own work. (I know I shouldn't compare mine to other people's, but I can't help it, I do. And it's not generally a comparison in my favor. *smirk*)

This week's prompt is: Trust.

Word count: 118

    “Rose,” Chris closed the back door and sat down beside her on the steps. “I talked to your dad like you asked. He said it wasn't his story to tell, and if I wanted to hear it, I’d need to have you explain." he hesitated, "Can't you tell me what happened?”

     He waited for her to say something but she seemed to be looking at something far away in her memories. Finally he laid his hand over hers and whispered, “Trust me.

     It seemed that Rose suddenly let her walls down. He could almost see her taking them apart, brick by brick. When she was done, she sagged a little and sighed. “It’s my own fault.”

And there we go! 

As an aside, I'm sort of in love with this song. It makes me ache inside a little bit. :)

I hope you all had a lovely Wednesday! 

Cheers and God bless. 



  1. Very intriguing! It seems like it could be a snippet from a longer work. Great job, I'd love to read more!

    1. Thank you! It is from a longer work... my favorite novel. :)

  2. Now I'm curious as to why she had to tell him. That's the worse of snippets, there are never enough of them. *smirk*

    I am glad you like book two's title. I've had the hardest time titling it and it makes me feel better to know many would pick it up.

    And The Broken Blade, because, to be honest, I love writing that book.

    1. Hehehe. Oh, there were Happenings.... :)

      Catchy titles are good. You did well. *grins*

  3. I know what story that's from! It sounds good. :D

  4. And I need to add that now when I see the words, "Trust Me," I always want to say, "I'm the Doctor!" :P

    1. Yes, well of course YOU know where that's from. You're usually the person I go to if I need help with a plot. :D

      Yes.... well Chris isn't The Doctor or ANY doctor for that matter. He works at a hardware store and I love him. :P

  5. Awww, great snippet!! I loved it! I want to know what she needed to trust him about...and what was her fault!!! Great! And thanks for linking up. I will open the link until Friday afternoon so you can attach it. :D Thank you for linking up!!!

    1. Thanks much!!! That means a lot, coming from you. xo Oh lovely, I will go link it. :)

  6. I do like this. (:

    I'm a little confused about what exactly the linkup is. Is it something you wrote? Something you read? And.....what exactly is it? :D

    Oh, and I found something you might like. It's got Doctor Who in it, and although I don't know much about him, I still found it funny. (:

    1. Yeah, it's something I wrote in my novel. Chris is Scottish. :D I'm glad you liked it!

      hehehehehe, that pin. Giggle. Thanks for thinking of me.

  7. I think you'd really like the Guardian series. It seems like books you'd enjoy.

    Also, aye, I am that is snow. And yes, I was swimming in the snow. *Nods*

    1. :) swimming in snow. You just got insane. I like you. lol :)

  8. lovely snippet - just enough to leave you hanging :) That song *sigh*

    God Bless


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