
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Picture Saturday-- Doodles and sketches and stuff

It's been a long time since a Picture Saturday has made an appearance, hasn't it? Oh well. I got busy. *grin*

I know that I have been terrible about commenting and blogging.... and I apologize. (If you missed my blog that is, if you don't care one way or another, I retract my apology.)

I do have reasons for the being so lax, and mostly it's just that the weather finally, FINALLY warmed up and it's actually starting to feel like summer around here. (The last couple of weeks have been ridiculously cold... like getting down to the 30s at night. Which is cold in June.) So now that it's decided to bring on some "almost July" weather, I've been spending as much time as possible outside and ignoring my computer in the meantime.

I'm so glad it's summer, you guys. I love being warm.

Anyhow, I've been sketching and drawing a lot lately, and I've decided to share a few. I just noticed that the pictures all have the date on them. GRRRRRRRRRRRR. (yes, I use a camera and not a scanner. Our scanner tends to really wash out my drawings.) But I'm too lazy too redo so you'll just have to ignore that.

1.) The Dragon Slippers picture I'm working on right now. I'm wanting to color it in soon, so it's not done, but I rather fancy it. (If you haven't read that book, you really should. It's quite nice. The author does a cool twist on dragons' hoards. )

2.) The random-Scottish-girl-standing-on-a-cliff sketch I did a few days ago.

3.) The Rapunzel sketch I drew a few days before the random-girl-on-cliff one.

4.) The one I don't really care for.... That girl's head is so bulbous and huge compared to her body.

5.) The one I'm absurdly fond of that I mostly did last night and finished today:

Call me weird, but I really want the outfit she's wearing. And I quite like her hair.

6.) The BASEBALL PLAYER!!!! Kay, I love baseball. And so I drew a batter. And he looks off-balance in this picture, but in real life he looks way better, I swear.

8.) The St. Teresa  of Avila quote that I love. (I already did it once before, but I love it so much, it had to be redone.)

And that's that. Sorry I'm not as peppy as I usually am, but I'm not really in the mood for peppy right now.

           Anyway, what do you think? Which one's your favorite?

                               God bless, guys.



  1. Wow. I love them! Even the girl with the head you didn't like? Her hair is beautiful! :)

    1. Thanks, Mime. :D I did like her hair, which is probably the only reason I posted that picture. Haha!

  2. I loooove the girl holding the book (with the fairy tale quote). It SO looks like she's being blown by the wind. Amazing. Plus her hair is rather Merida-ish and that I adore.

    1. Thank you!!! I like her too. I love drawing windy pictures. She looked a little wistful, so I had to look around for a pretty quote.

      YES, YES, YES!!!!!!!!!! I was going for the curly girl look and thank you for mentioning it. :D

  3. I love 4, 5 and 6!! I really do like 4. :D Her hair is awesome!! And 5 is really cool too.

  4. Wow! These are so great! :) Keep it up!

  5. Dammit Treskie, STOP BEING TALENTED! You make the rest of us want to go die in holes...I'm joking (mostly). Great post - I do love the first one, but also number 5 is also beautiful, and the baseball player is fantastic. You are very, very good at doing fabric and suchlike, with the all the folds etc...and hair. You are darned good at doing hair. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for the Eleven Things Tag! Sometimes I feel like all I ever do is throw awards at you - if you want me to stop, just say the word! - but I can't help it! :L

    1. Hahahaha! Thanks loads, Emily. But don't go die in a hole, your colors are way better than mine, and I get jealous of that. lol.

      I have my sister to thank for teaching me how to do fabric, she's awesome with that. :) I love drawing hair, so I taught myself that. lol.

      Ummmmm.... THANK you for the tag.... but I'll see if I can do it soon. I'm a little overwhelmed with tags right now. I always forget to do them. haha!

    2. There you go! that's another suggestion for your next vlog! ;)

  6. Awwwwwwww, thank you so much, Clair. It really does mean a lot when you say nice things since you're so good yourself. :D

    I love that quote, so that picture is definitely one of my favorites. I get a little carried away with billowing fabric and hair. I'm like, "MORE! MORE! MOORREEEEE!" Which isn't always a good think though. lol. :D

  7. Purteh! I don't know, they're all nice. It's so funny, because a lot of the way you draw reminds me of MY drawings. But your faces are DEFINITELY your faces... there is no way I could draw a face like that. :) (And if that came off as a bit of a burn, I apologize. It was meant to be a compliment. ;)

    I think yon baseball player is my fave. Just sayin'.

    1. Thank you, Kat! They should remind you of yours, you taught me most of it. :)

      I have really long pointy faces. *sigh*

      I lurve the baseball player too. Woooo!

  8. Ooh, they're all so great! Personally, I like the Rapunzel one a bit more than all the others. But #5 I like a lot too--the quote, the shading, everything. You have a true gift :).

    1. Awwwww. Thanks, Hermione. :D I do like the Rapunzel one... I like the whimsical look to it. Thank you so much! That's so nice. :)

  9. i love the 4th and 5th ones, but they are all so good! good job, missy!! And I'm so glad you are enjoying the weather. But I am happy you are back, hehe!

    Question: will you be doing another vlog soon? i really enjoyed the one you made because it feels like I'm getting to know you and I don't know, it just seems so much fun! :)

    1. Aww, thank you, Hilda!! :D Hehe.... the weather is supposed to be cloudy today. *Sigh*. It's SUPPOSED to be hot on the 4th of July!!!!!

      I probably will be doing another vlog at some point, but I have no idea what to do it on. Suggestions would be nice. :D But when I do, I shall let you know. Kay? God bless!

    2. You are very welcome! :D

      oh yay!!!!!!! hmm, good point. Let's see, suggestions... oh! How about you post an entry asking us to ask you questions so you can answer them by vlog? Um... Let's see.... How about a tour of your room? That's all I got right now. If you need more suggestions, I'll think up some more for you.

      HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!! :D

    3. :D

      Haha, well.... I'll probably end up going with the questions one because I like answering questions. And hey, the room tour could be part of it, you never know. My room is pretty cool. LOL.

      HAPPY 4TH BACK!!! I have loads of pictures I want to post. lol. :D

    4. Ohh yay room tour, awesome!!!! :D Can't wait for the vlog and to see your 4th of July pics. mine didn't turn out well.

    5. Haha, it's not going to be in depth, though. :D

      Aw, I'm sorry about your pictures.

      God bless!

    6. What's not gonna be in depth? The photos you mean?

      Aw it's ok.

      God bless you too!


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