
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Take a little walk in the country with me.....

So, Kat, Amy, and I went on a hike today, and it was funz!!! It wasn't really up in the mountains, it was nearer the lake with lots of granite boulders to clamber upon willy nilly. (Though, truth be told, I didn't clamber much. I'm a bit of a chicken when it comes to heights and bouldering. I'm like, "It's four feet off the ground! I'm going to fall! I'm going to die!" Drastic, I know, but I can't help it. So I tend to stay firmly planted on un-life threatening soil, clicking embarrassing pictures. MWAAHAHAHAA!)

Because both Amy, and Kat are also doing a post on this, I shall not be putting up loads of pictures.... (if you want to see more of my face look at theirs. *smirk*)

And just to finish off the pictures.... Amy made this for me. I love it! It's so funny and pretty to look at.

So now I shall leave you with this song. It's basically how I felt today. 

Cheers and God bless!



  1. I love that picture, Treskie. It looks like you fulfilled your childhood ambition after all!

    1. Hehehe. You have no idea how happy that makes me.

  2. LOL!!!!!

    Aw, I love the banner your sister made for you. Ooh cool, my sister and I would so join you in being fairy hunters! :D

    1. Hahahaha! Well, we're lucky, because where I am, you can wander around in the shrubbery and tall grass without being afraid of getting ticks or chiggers or gigantic ugly bugs. Hehehehe. It seems like an idea place for fairies.

    2. Oooh nice! let's go hunting!

  3. Lovely pictures! Looks like fun :)

  4. Loving these pictures...and that song. :)

    1. Aw, thanks, Natasha. :) That song is so awesome, isn't it? I like Scotty.

    2. I had never heard of him (not that that means anything;), but I've been listening to his songs ever since I heard this one. Definitely liking it!

    3. Haha, I hadn't heard of him until recently either so we're fine. lol. Have you heard Water Tower Town? Oooh and Dirty Dishes is one of my favorites. ;)

      I think he sounds a bit like Josh Turner.


    4. No, I haven't heard those ones! *looks them up* Ooh, I like them! Definitely adding those to my favs list. :)
      You know, he does sound a bit like Josh Turner.

    5. :) Cool. *grins*

      He and Josh Turner sing together. It's awwweeesommee. ;)

  5. I looove this. I recently felt the same way since I was in Georgia for the weekend. I also had a Summer/Country mix playing while we were driving through the country, and scotty mcreery was on the mix too:)

    1. Aw, I'm glad. :) Don't you love that feeling? *grin*

  6. It was fun! And d'aaaaaaw. Y'all are sweet. lol

  7. It looks like you had so much fun! What a pretty place to go hiking at! (Kind of looks where I live, but warmer. And more green.)

    1. It really was. When we meet, we must go on a hike together. lol :D (Just for the record, it's been FREEZING here lately. Like I want to put on socks and wear a sweater. :( Not nice for June. lol.)


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