
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Drumroll, m'dears!

Four score and seven minutes ago, Amanda and I brought forth, upon the blogosphere, a new vlog, conceived in nerdiness, and dedicated to the prospect of answering the rest of the questions left by my followers.

And.... that's as far as I'm going to go in paraphrasing the Emancipation Proclamation.

I swear the next vlog will be shorter. I will not make it so freaking long next time.

I went over to Pandy's house and she asked me the questions and I answered them. And there was great merriment involved. I swear we don't usually giggle so much! (I have to admit, while I was editing it, I was cracking up, because... hey. We are pretty funny together. lol. I didn't realize just how much we quote things! )

I hugely  apologize for the first half of the video constantly going out of focus. Amy put it on the wrong setting so it kept refocusing and going blurry. Grrrrr! It also has some lighting problems.


But anyhoo, here is the Q&A vlog, part two! Dun, dun, dunnnnnn.

Incidentally, Amy came over to my  house today, and we filmed her  first vlog! I'm in it too, so there's at least one reason to go here and see it. LOL!

I'm just kidding.

It's funnier than mine.

Go watch it.



  1. You two are hilarious. Sisters are the best.

  2. The video was kinda hard to hear on some points but I FREAKING LOVED THIS ONE TOO!! LOL! I especially enjoyed it because I see we have some things in common. For one, I get all giggly too when I joke around withmy brother andsister. That's kinda how we get along. we are a close knit family too. And very anti social too. LOL! I am more free online but in person, I only like to be with my mom and siblings because it'sfun instead of being surrounded by strangers. And I'm also 5'5, I think your height. Go sistah!!

    Seriously, you did a great job. If I do a huge question list again, you can cut it down in sections if you like, but I will TTTTTRYYYY :P o keep my questions short for you, hehe! I was laughing when I typed up those questions for you. LOL!

    Okay, sorry for my babbling. Love your whole vlog!! Thank you sooo much for answering my questions. ;)

  3. By the way, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your vlogs helped keep me down to earth. i was watching another vlogshow about beauty andstuff but your vlogsbrought me back home. i hope that made sense, I don't know how else to describe it.

    1. Hilda~

      Hehe, we're not usually so giggly. It was just that we were a little nervous being in front of a camera. lol. We're very close knit. It's fun to be weird.

      Hehe, yeah, maybe you can keep it under a hundred questions next time? lol.

      I'm glad I made you happier. I'm not a huge fan of beauty vlogs, so I don't watch them. I'm glad I don't seem like a weirdo though. Hee!

    2. Aww you are definitely no weirdo. You are awesome and amazing person I've EVER met. And don't worry, thanks for letting me know and I respect your opinion. I'll just post a few questions instead of hundreds. LOL! Sorry about that.

      By the way, one of the questions asking "Do you know what Beano is" or something like that, I've seen the commercial long ago and it's for I guess preventing gas, LOL!

      I guess I'm the weirdo because I watch a beauty vlog and I don't even use makeup LOL! I don't know, I just like the magic of it, the before and after looks. ;D

    3. Hehe, thanks, that's really sweet, Hilda. Ha! Yeah... a hundred question might be the teensiest tiniest bit over whelming to film. lol.

      oh. Well I'm glad I didn't know what it was then. lol.

      No, beauty vlogs are cool, and they do some good tips for makeup. I just tend to tone it down a bit.

    4. Ooh cool, ok. **thumbs up

  4. Oooh, Jeeves & Wooster. Such a magnificent show. I want your Hawkeye cup. And I spy a harp. I use to play, but then I was stupid and sold my harp because I'm a moron.
    Your line about spiders and people...Haha. Funny. Except I actually like spiders (more or less), so I'll just sit and a converse with the spider, like some people talk to cats (which I also do, just for the record). But that's even weirder most weirdos can handle, so forget I said that.


    1. I LOVE Jeeves&Wooster! :D

      We got the Hawkeye cup at Walmart. It was a dollar. And it holds up really well.

      Hehe... I'm not a huge people person. And I'm kind of a massive arachnophobe. It would be a tossup. I do converse with cats, but I think they think I'm inferior to them. Hee! Don't worry, I'm not weirded out.

    2. I now feel the urge to correct myself. I meant to say "weirder than most weirdos can handle".

      There. Now I can sleep peacefully at night.

    3. Haha, I do that too, no worries. ;D

  5. That was fun. You two are funny together, you need to do more vlogs 8-D

    1. You think so? Awwww. We thought it was funny too. Hehe. We'll have to see if we can do another one. And keep it shorter.

  6. YOU'VE NEVER SEEN THE LION KING?!?!?!?!?!?!! Okay, if we meet I am making you watch it. *nods*

    1. Not even once! I know. I am ashamed. :) Sounds good, when will that be??!

  7. LOVE IT! You should do more of these! Is that your sister? She's awesome. :D hehe

    1. Thanks! Yep, that's my older sister Amy. She blogs too. lol. I'll tell her you liked it!


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