
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sometimes I can't think of post titles!

Well hai.

So... blogging slump. 

Yeah. *sheepish grin*

But anyway, who's up for some random factses, precious?


1.) The toughest thing for me about having a cold is that I can't sing. Normally, I'm always singing. I sing all the time: usually the refrains. But with this cold (which I still have, btw) I couldn't sing. I mean, not a note. I think I'm getting better now though, because my voice is coming back and I've been caroling away! This is joyous.

2.) I'm officially on my family's Graduation Wall of Fame! 

That's me, far right. It took forever to get me up there because we had to re-measure it so all the other ones would be even as well. We measured wrong the first couple of times.... *facepalm* Let's just say we were ecstatic when we managed to get them all evenly spaced. 

3.) The Thin Man is hilarious. 

4.) Doberman Pinschers are freaking hard to draw. Just saying. I've shredded several papers because of those bad boys! 

5.) If you could all do me a favor and pray for me, that'd be awesome. The job I was supposed to get fell through, and.... it threw me a little. *cue panic attacks* So yeah. Please pray that God sends me a job that I won't kill myself stressing about.


  1. PRAYING. ;) Hope you get a job darling!

  2. That bear...oh dear. It really shouldn't have reminded me so much of you. But it does. :)
    I love your random posts. They're mah favorites.

  3. Ugh. Colds are awfu :(l. I try to sing sometimes when I have one, but the end result sounds like a strangled elephant :P :D.

    Aw, I'm so sorry about your job! Don't stress your heart out, though. I have faith that you'll find a job soon enough :).

    1. Yes they are. A strangled elephant. :D Best. Description. Ever. haha!

      Me too. I'm trying not to, actually. I'm doing this thing where I'm like, "Okay, God. Help." and it seems to be doing something for my stress, at least. :)

  4. Yes! The Thin Man is one of the best old mystery shows ever. I love the one when Nick keeps investigating things in the middle of the night and Nora insists on going with him. One of the his suspects complains to him, "Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get some sleeping!" And Nora says groggily, "What's that?" Or something of the like. Columbo is another good mystery show, not quite as old, but hilarious nonetheless. :)

    Sorry about your job. God must have something better planned. :)

    1. Oh, the Thin Man is brilliant. We've seen them all. ;) I love Nick and Nora's relationship, it's so 'dorable. We own several seasons of Columbo, actually. I really like it. But I go through TV show MOODS. Like last month it was Psych and Leverage. And most of last year, I had a Doctor Who fetish (I'm still obsessed with it.) but right now, I'm in a Supernatural mood, and... yeah. I'm sure I'll go through all the old TV shows when I'm done with SPN. :)

      Thanks. :) I'm hoping that's what He's got in mind.

  5. No worries, God will give you a job that will be best for you. I'll help pray that you get the job you want. :D

    Ooh your pic on the Hall of Fame! So awesome! But that's kinda sad that you had to do it instead of your parents or sisters. It's like baking your own birthday cake.

    1. Thanks so much, Hilda. It means a lot. :-)

      Haha! Nah, it was kind of fun hanging it. I've baked my own birthday cake as well sometimes. Hehe!

    2. You are very very welcome! :)

      awww, that is so sad! :( and I can't send you one because it'll mush during delivery, lol! Maybe a birthday gift. ;)

    3. Haha! It's fine. lol. No worries, m'dear. My birthday isn't for a while now. :D

  6. So sad. I just got a cold from a kid in the camp I was volunteering for, and now I need to rest my voice because of that. :(

    I'll be praying for you job situation, defs!

    P.S. I had to maximize those pictures before I could tell the difference between you and your sister (?). :P

    1. Singers have it rough with colds. lol.

      Thank you so much!

      Oh my gosh, really? LOL. We look that much alike? Whoa.

  7. That stupid bear. I still like the lion best, when he's singing that song directly into his companion lion's ear. :)

    Yes, I now haz your cold. Thag you very buch. :P

    1. That bear... .just sang to me. lol.

      I was careful though! *sigh* We're never gonna record.

  8. The bear made me laugh ... as for Dobermanns, I drew one once, long ago, back when drawing was easy because a) I couldn't (which is a paradox I am aware, but sometimes paradoxes are TRUE) and b) I was 9 and therefore no one expected anything. Maybe I'll have another go sometime .... now that you have SET THE CHALLENGE! ~rolls up sleeves~

    I'll definitely be praying for you :) xx

    1. That's why I put it there. lol.

      Amy insists that dobermans on that hard, but she's better with animals than I am and I hate the darned things. lol. But no, it's not *really* a paradox. I know exactly what you mean!!

      Are you... accepting the challenge???

      Thank you so much, it means a lot, m'dear. ;)


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