
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How sweet!

Kat awarded me! Booooooom.

The rules:

1.) Thank the person that gave you the award. 
2.) Answer the three questions. 
3.) Nominate four bloggers.
4.) Notify the bloggers you nominate. 

FIRST question!

What famous person would you like to meet?
My first thought goes to Josh Groban, because he's brilliant. (duet, anyone?) People who say that he's annoying are just.... just.... GO AWAY, you people!

However, since everyone I know who has done this award has said Josh, (and I think I say him every time I get asked that question) I'm going to say Matt Smith. I really, really like Matt Smith. lol. Who doesn't like a guy who can pull off a fez? Hee!

SECOND question:

What's your favorite flower?
Lilacs. Did you know they're actually not native to America? I DID!

THIRD question!

What is your least favorite food?
Like.... meal? Or just on its own? Ehhhh. 
I'm not as picky as I used to be. 

Oh! I remember. I HATE green beans. They're awful and squeak when you bite them. *shudder*

I will now award people:

And now I will away, fondly waving my handkerchief, and shedding hairpins. 

God bless!

P.S. Do check out Stories in the Mind for another giveaway!


  1. I sooooo want to meet Josh Groban too!!!! That's be totally awesome! :D
    Hehe... I like green beans. ;)
    You are fully entered for the giveaway now!!! :D

    1. Yay! :)

      I wouldn't just want to meet Josh, though. I'd want to sing with him. Can you say AWESOME? lol I don't mind that you like greenbeans. Just as long as you don't make me eat them, then we're good. :)

  2. Aye! Thanks for awarding me! ^_^
    Love your answers, I wouldn't mind meeting Matt Smith, but if I had to meet a Doctor, it'd be Tennant...even though 11 is my favorite Doctor. :D <3
    I freaking LOOOVVVEE the first gif. eeep!

    1. You're welcome!

      What?? Eleven is your favorite Doctor???? I didn't know that, I thought it was Ten. :D Eleven is mine too.... I dunno. I guess he's just more my type. lol.

      I KNOW! That gif is.... just so SHAWN. :D

    2. Hehe, yep! 11 was my favorite by the time his first eppy had ended. I LOVE 10, but 11 is more my style. ^_^ and when 11 goes i am going to BAWWWLLL. omy. i'm dreading the day. :'(

    3. Aaaah same here! Well... sort of. Nine was my favorite for a long time, and I felt like I was betraying him by loving Eleven more. And then I came to the conclusion that Eleven is like a younger version of Nine with better plots and effects.... and Amy and Rory. So yeah.

      Oh my gosh, me too. I'm going to sob and sob and sob and sob!! It's going to take me a while to warm up to Twelve. lol

  3. LOL, shedding pins? reminds me of a bugs bunny cartoon. So cute!!

    i didn't know that about Lilacs! here did they come from? i love them too. they smell sooo good! Almost want to eat them up, hehe!

    1. Hehehe, I semi-stole that from a book.

      Ummmm Lilacs are mainly from Europe and Asia. If my memory is right (and it usually is. LOL) George Washington had a bunch brought over from northern Europe for Mount Vernon. :)

    2. Oh lol!

      Ah, that's interesting!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  6. Yay! Thanks for nominating me! I love blog awards!

    Those pics of Josh Groban are amazing! I love him! :-D

    1. ooooh you love awards?! AWESOME!! :D

      Yes.... I got to see him live a few years ago. It was SO FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!! Yeah. He's my favorite singer. :)

    2. NOOOOO!!! You gotta be joking!!!! OH MY GOSH! wow. *mind blow with jealousy* Seriously. I am speechless over here. wow.

    3. The best thing about his voice, you know, is that he sounds exactly the same live as he does on the CD which..... is so nice. Not many people do these days. :D

      If you ever get the chance you should definitely go see him. He puts on a great show. :D

  7. You freaking tagged John. That's adorable. :D :D
    I *love* the first gif!! haha! killed me! Shawn's so cute. ^_^
    I would so love to meet Matt Smith. my top choice would be Tom Hiddleston, though....I'm determined to get a hiddles hug one of these days...
    cute post, Treskie!! <3 :D

    1. LOL Yep. I thought He would appreciate it.

      Shawn is so stinking cute. LOL. Have you seen Santabarbaratown 2? OOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. You must if you haven't. Shawn is B A in it. lol. He goes around breaking stuff and demolishing things. And he's so worried about his dad. *sniff* Yeah. probably one of my favorite episodes ever.

      Oooh yes, I'd love to meet Tom Hiddleston. Like a lot. But I say him a lot too, when I get the celebrity question so I thought I'd go with Matt because he seems nice. (And people like that are easy to get comfortable around... and I would need that. LOL)

      Thanks, Rachel. :D Xo

  8. hate green beans? You hate them? I have nothing to say to you.


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