
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Picture Saturday-- Tutorial and stuffs.

So, a few posts back, I told Mime that I would do a tutorial on how to draw braids.

And then I got so nervous, I promptly pushed the idea to the back of my mind and forgot about it. .... Which, now that I think about it, was pretty unprofessional of me. *wince*

Once I got around to admitting to myself that I should probably do  the tutorial and post  that bad boy, I proceeded to vacillate wildly about whether I should do the tutorial with masses pictures like Kat does, or do it as a video as I've seen on youtube.

I tried both and came to the conclusion that video tutorials are marginally easier because I don't have to stop and take pictures every step. So I armed myself with pencil, paper, and my dad's camera, and got myself together.

PLEASE remember that this is my very first video ever, (and also my first tutorial) so it's a bit rough, and inexperienced. I must thank Bella for helping me speed up the video at some points. I had no idea how to do that on my own. Hehe. I noticed that even when I'm making an effort to speak slowly, I talk really, really fast, and I'm sometimes hard to understand. I also say "thing" a lot. Which sounds..... so  knowledgeable. Yeah. I'm going to need to polish up on my public speaking. 'Pologies, my dears. =)

And now I will stop procrastinating and actually embed the video. Let me know what you think, yeah? I'd appreciate feedback, as I think I might be uploading more sometime.... and if you decide to try it, maybe you can show me a picture?? Hehehe.

And now..... moving on quickly before I get too embarrassed about my voice and short fingernails. LOL.

I think I really need to work on drawing big. My work usually goes on computer paper folded in half, and I think it's time for me to start doing things on a bigger scale.

Her right eye is too big. And her nose looks better in real life. =) But I'm monstrous proud of her hair. Hee!

She seems to look better from this angle......

This is what happens when I'm bored during school and make a mistake when I'm writing out questions.

My friend recently lost her Dad to cancer, so I thought I'd draw her something nice. I didn't really know what to say, so I just used a Doctor Who quote.

Now, here's my question: IF I were to start an Etsy account, where I did greeting cards, like the picture above: ^^^ Do you guys think people would even think about buying them? I'd probably have them themed, like DW, or pretty thoughts, or Scripture.... and if it were you, would you be interested?

I'm just throwing that out there because I think I should do more with my artwork... so please.... be honest. :)

AND FINALLY!  You should seriously check out the epic giveaway at Jonnah's blog. I wants it, my preciiouuuusssssss.

And now, I go.

Cheers and God bless!



  1. Love this post, Peskie! It was really good. Your Doctor Who quote pictures is awesome. I wouldn't mind owning that myself. :P
    Your art is good. I always like to look at it. :D

    1. Really? 'Cause I have miniature copies that I made if you want one. :)

      Fanks, dear. :)

  2. Oh my, you are seriously an artist!! More more! Ooh, can you please show us how to draw people especially the faces and heads? I can't draw them well. You made the braids look so easy, I gotta try it! gotta run! We're going to church. Will pray for you and your family! thanks for the tutorial! god bless!

    1. Aaaaawwww, Hilda! :D Your comment made me all happy inside. oxox I was GOING for easy, so if that's what I achieved.... YAY!

      As for the tutorial for heads... head on or sideways? Because I'm not as good head on.... Let me know, and I'll try to do it next Picture Saturday, or the one after that. :D

      God bless and thanks for the prayers. ;)

    2. Aw yay, making you happy makes me happy too! Yup, you sure achieved it! **hugs

      Actually both but if it's easier for you to draw them sideways, no problem. :D I can't wait for next Saturday!

      You're very welcome <3

    3. Lalala, we can have a happy fest. :D

      Well, sideways ones are definitely easier but I'll see what I can do with the head on, kay? :)

    4. LOL, ok yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeaha, ohyeah!!!!!!!!!!! :P

      Coolness! I just resaw your tutorial for making a braid... Okay 3times already. :)

    5. Sideways is easier?! I can't draw sideways for the life of me! ;) Thanks so much for doing this tutorial! You're braids look brilliant and I can't wait to try it! (I liked it in Youtube, too) :)

    6. Hilda~ Three times? Yaaaaaaay! :)

      Mime~ Yeah, sideways is a lot easier. :D I'll show you how. LOL. Thank you so much for the vote of confidence. :D

    7. At first three times but when I began to practice drawing braids I couldn't get it until I saw your video over and over and over and over. i think I finally got it. it helps a lot from learning from a video. So yeah, I saw it many times and it's fun!! I'll see if I can post over at my blog my drawings for you to see. :)

    8. Yeah... if I draw sideways, they end up looking like Megamind.

    9. lol. We'll work on that. :D

  3. Wow! You are really good at drawing! I especially love the way you draw hair! Keep up the good work ;)

    1. Thanks, Dare. That means a lot coming from you, 'cause you're pretty awesome yourself. :)

  4. That hair is awesome!!! Great job!!!! :D

  5. that is soooo cool :) I can't tell you how cool that ALL is!

  6. Confession: I did not watch the video, because I think I already know how to draw braids. :) However, I love all the pictures. :)

    I forgot to do the Hunger Games giveaway. Sorrows and oh well. It still looked cool.

    1. I forgive you. :D You could just watch it and tell me how well it's done. lolz

      Hehehe. More chance for me.....

    2. @Katrina, If I enter and I win, can you give it to Treskie? Where do I enter?

    3. Hilda, I think it might be over now. However, if you did win, I'll still give it to Treskie. :)

      By the way, Treskie, LOOKIT!!

      You was nominated. I loves you, I guess. :)

  7. Your voice is so cute. Now I want to try a braid, even though my drawing skills leave MUCH to be desired.

    I think that, if you were to make greeting cards, I would be interested. I don't know how many people use them, but old fashioned things are making a huge come back so they might do very well.

    1. Aww, Jack. Thanks. YAY!!! I wanted to get the "I want to draw now" reaction so thank you for having it. lol.

      Awesome. I know that cards are not as popular, which is mainly what's keeping me back. I'm still mulling the idea over in my head, trying to figure out if it would even fly, but knowing that SOMEONE, at least, would be interest boosts my confidence.

      I shall mull some more. But thanks for answering my question. :) You're awesome. lol.

      God bless!

  8. Hey Treskie! :) Opening an Etsy shop sounds fun. You can give it a try. You have mad art skills. :) Just by watching your video, you encourage people to wanna try it.

    Here are my braids... no not my real ones. :P Is this how it's suppose to end up?

    1. Hilda~

      You are awesome, my girl. :)The support I got from you alone is mind boggling, so thank you so much for that.

      Yaaaaaay! Your braids look really good! The only thing I would say to help, would be not to outline the bottom (where the hair comes out of the band) quite so much. You want to avoid outlining as much as possible to keep the real look. But other than that?

      THAT's your first try?

      Great job, girlie! :D ox

      (And by the way, that was very, very sweet of you to offer to enter the giveaway and give it to me, but it's over now.... *sniffle* and they haven't posted a winner yet. :)

      God bless!

    2. Got it! Thanks so much, and so thrilled I made you happy!!!! ***cartwheels... Then bangs the dresser by accident :P

      The picture of my drawings I posted was the last one I did. The first page I started to draw on looks more like DNA, LOL!!

      Aw shoot! i hope you won. :) <3

    3. Hehehe. I hope the dresser's okay.

      Well, either way, you pikced it up fast. :)

      Me too! So much. I never win these things, and this time it's one I'd really, really like to win. So I just cross my fingers and pray. :)

    4. Uh.. Yeah it's okay, thanks. :P hehe!

      I did? Yaaay!! :D thanks!!!

      I hope so too. Fingerscrossed.

  9. You draw hair good. It looks like a real braid, I've seen real braids.

    You should make cards...even though I don't really know what someone does with cards. Jack read me a book once called Little House, Town, on the Prairie and they all gave each other name cards. You should make those.
    (Jack says it would be a neat idea, all old fashioned and something. She said lots of people might like name cards. I don't know but I said I would tell her what she said.)

    And I found a sword! It was fun!

    1. Well thank you muchly, John. :)

      And ooooooh. You must tell Jack that I like that idea of name cards very much. Very very much, in fact. Tell her thank you for the idea, yeah? I shall get right on that, as soon as I'm less busy.

  10. Love love love this post! That girl is, I think, the best thing I've ever seen on this blog...but then I've seen a lot of awesome things on this blog! As for the video, it's great - really clear! I don't draw people a lot so I don't really know where I stand with hair, but maybe I'll try a girl with a plait in Maths or something XD by the way, you have a really lovely voice, completely not how I imagined it...I suppose when I'm reading a post in my head I just give everyone my own accent, even when I know they're American :L
    Re an Etsy shop, I'd definitely love to buy drawings you've done/quotations you've written out (I remember seeing two consecutive beautiful couple drawings with quotes on two Picture Saturdays a while ago...I think I'll have a scout around and see if I can find them...)! However, due to pricy international shipping it might be a bit out of my league (can you use that phrase when not referring to people you're attracted to? I think so...) but it all depends on the cost of everything! I've had sad experience of not being able to buy things online because of them being from overseas...Minimoose from Sway of Perception, who I'm assuming you know, makes beautiful dreamcatchers which she sells cheaply on Etsy, and I was all up for buying one but when I saw that P&P is about £17 and I had to sadly close the window :( anyway, I'm sure that even if I couldn't buy your fellow Yanks would love to so go for it! :D

    1. Awwwww, thank you so much, Emily!! Ah! I'm very, very glad that the video is clear, I had no idea what I was doing. You draw people a lot, though, for fashion tuesday. :D Hahaha, my voice doesn't actually sound that much like the video. It's deeper and more in the back of my throat sounding. It IS funny how we put our own idea of people sound in the posts. I always read your blog with an American accent, so no worries about your reading mine with yours. :D

      Coolio. Thanks for the feedback. :)I know that international shipping costs are RIDICULOUS!! Like I mean *really*. I think I'm going to have to wait until I'm done with school to start a shop, I already have enough trouble keeping up with my homework as it is.... but knowing that people WOULD be interested in my work is probably the best morale booster EVER. :D And I've sent mail to the UK before, letters don't' cost nearly as much as boxes. So who knows, maybe I'll be able to send out the art in that form and it'll keep shipping and handling costs low. Maybe I'll even send you a picture as a gift. *wink*

      I do know Minimoose... she doesn't post much. *sigh* Oh my gosh, don't you HATE it when the cost of sending it boosts the price to like four times as much as it originally sells for!?

      I think you can you the 'out of my league' thing for conversations other than attractive people. LOL. *I* knew what you were talking about. lol.

      Anyhoo, thanks again for the feedback. It's soooo much appreciated.


    2. You say that, but everyone says their voice sounds different to how it does recorded, and everyone else disagrees with's a strange thing. If I was the least bit interested about Biology I'd conduct an experiment. (As it is I'm not, it's a pity I have an exam soon and 12 booklets to learn, and also a pity that I'm on Blogger when I should be studying.) I can't imagine my posts in an American accent...BOOOOMMINDBLOOOOWN!!!! :O :O

      As for the Etsy, we'd all love you to have a shop, now or in the future! And I would not object to having a picture as a gift...;)

      And yes, I hate when shipping is more than the cost! I'm like "well really what's the point now?!" As for the out of my league thing, I'm glad you know what I meant - great minds think alike ;)

    3. Aha! YEs! BUT! Amy agreed with me on this one. So my voice does sound different. XD hehehe, I blew your mind!! Whaaaaat.

      Great minds indeed. lol. :)


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