Wednesday, January 3, 2018

January || 2017 Roundup

Wherein it has been an obscene amount of time since I last posted.

Like whoa.

But hey, I figure the best thing I can do is start again, right? New year, new me!

And what better way to start than with my annual yearly roundup?

Buckle up, ladies and gents, it's gonna be a long and hilarious ride.

1.) What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before?
     Mmm. 2017 feels like a really long year. Let me think...
First date, first kiss, first time getting my own internet, first time writing with my right hand. (Yeah, that's a long story. lol) First time shooting a rifle and a shotgun. Started a stick fighting class.

 2.) Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions, and will you make one this year?
    So New Year's Resolutions are impossible and I refuse to answer this question.

3.) Did anyone close to you give birth?

4.) Did anyone close to you die?

5.) What countries/states did you visit?
2017 was a crappy year for travel lol.

6.) What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
     Self-confidence! Woooo!
(Or my concealed carry license, it's a toss up)

7.) What date from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory? 
      November 1st, because reasons.

8.) Did you move anywhere?
Not an apartment, a house! With bedrooms! And a big old kitchen! (With a big enough oven to cook two pizzas in at once.)AND A FIREPLACE! And my own room!
And a garage! And a backyard! (No, washer or dryer though, but we have hookups, so that will change.)

You guys. I can sing as loud as I want.

It's amazing.

9.) What was your biggest achievement of the year?
      I am an underachiever.
I'm a designer of flowers at the shop now. So whoo.
I shot a shotgun. (It nearly dislocated my shoulder. I kick butt.)

(Yes, dangit, I am aware this is a rifle, not a shotgun. But I don't have any pictures of me with the shotgun. Deal with it!)

Also, no, that is not my jacket, why do you ask?

10.) What was your biggest failure?
  I my blogging sucked. Also any attempts to make my art better sucked.

11.) Did you suffer illness or injury?
       So, I dropped this entire dumpster lid on my left thumb.
11 stitches later, I looked like Frankenstein's Monster's Daughter, and it was freaking stupid.

12.) What was the best thing you bought?
        Eh. My bed.

13.) Whose behavior merited celebration?
Probably Gavin, because Gavin is a good person.

14.) Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
        The same person who has left me appalled and depressed the last couple times I answered this question.

15.) Where did most of your money go? 
Rent, art supplies, and Christmas pressies.

16.) What did you get really, really, really excited about?
        November 1st.

17.) What was the best concert you’ve been to this year?
        Ehe...Probably the Beauty and the Beast musical in Carson.

18.) What song/album will always remind you of 2017?
        The song of the year would probably have to be Something Just Like This by the Chainsmokers, (although I usually listen to the version by Luciana Zugbi, cause her voice.

19.) Compared to this time last year, are you:
       More tired.

20.) What do you wish you’d done more of?
        Praying, I think. And drawing.

21.) What do you wish you’d done less of?
       Stressing out and fighting. Cause that's been a thing this year.

22.) What was your greatest musical discovery?
       Prolly Dear Evan Hansen?

23.) How did you spend Christmas?
       At our new house. With Christmas Mass in the morning (which we sang,) and presents later on in the afternoon. It wasn't the way we normally celebrate, so it was kind of bittersweet.

24.) How did you/are you spending New Year’s?
       We have decided to make the Lord of the Rings marathon an annual thing.

So we did that, and then I got sick. It was awesome lol.

25.) Who did you spend the most time on the phone with?
        Charlie and Gina

26.) What was the best book you read?
       Best new book would have to be The Empty Grave by Jonathan Stroud,
and the best reread would have to be the Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner.

27.) Did you fall in love in 2017?
I did most of the falling in 2016, so no.

28.) What was your favorite TV show?
I haven't really had a chance to watch new shows this year. So, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is still currently my favorite, although Stranger Things is also really good, and weird as heck. (It does have some adult content, however, so you know.. Be warned.)


29.) Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? 

       Not really. The people I don't like as the same people as last year.

30.) What did you want and get?
A heavy duty metal target.
This amazing St. Teresa of Avila statue. (totally cried.)

31.) What did you want and not get?
Nothing really, I didn't get a glock 43 (cause California sucks)
or a concealed carry (Because I'm a procrastinator and I suck.)

32.) What were your favorite films of this year?
        Spiderman: Homecoming because that kid is perfect as Spiderman and Peter Parker.

33.) What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
   My birthday was odd this year. Although my bestest cousin came up to see me, which was awesome.
I had a meltdown in the evening.

I was 22.   

34.) How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017?
lol, so funny story.
When I was little, I was the single most girly-girl on the planet. I had twirly skirts and patent leather shoes that clip-clopped. I liked tea parties and princess stories.

These days I am the single least frilly girl in my entire family (and I have a lot of sisters.)
baseball shirts and maxi skirts, and little to no make-up or jewelry. I can't tell if that's because I legitimately made that choice, or because I am too lazy to make more of an effort except on special occasions.

35.) What kept you sane?
God, music, and my people.

36.) Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Surprisingly enough, I didn't fancy a celebrity this year.

37.) What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? 

I don't know. I want a family of my own with little tiny babies and a dog, please and thank you.

38.) What political issue stirred you the most?
*starts list*

39.) Who did you miss?
Charlie, Sammi, and my sisters.

40.) Who was the best new person you met?
I am a hermit.

41.) Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017.

42.) Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

"I hope you're somewhere praying. I hope your soul is changing.
I hope you find your peace, falling on your knees, praying."
"Praying" by Kesha  

43.) Five personally significant events of 2017:
       1. November 1st.
       2. November 3rd.
       3. Moving into our new house
       4. Shot a rifles and a shotgun
       5. I dunno, crap hit the ceiling this year.

44.) Five things I want to do in 2018:
        1. Art.
        2. Visit my sisters.
        3. Visit Alaska
        4. Get my concealed carry license.
        5.Go on retreat

45.) Five people I’d like to know better in 2018:
I am seriously considering just replacing this question, because I never have 5 people I want to get to know better. Because I hate people.

 And that, my dears, sums up my 2017. 

Honestly, I don't know how I feel about this year. It was simultaneously really good, and so bad it rivaled 2012. (Which if you know me or my blog at all, you will know I hated 2012 with every fiber of my being.)

A lot of amazing things happened.
A lot of awful things happened.

I'm sick to death of drama.

But I've been so blessed too, you know?

Uuuugh. With God all things are possible, and God's ways are not our ways, but seriously.. I'm tired.

That being said, I hope you all had a fantastic year, and a fantastic New Year and here's hoping that 2018 means a lot of prayers will be answered and a lot of good will happen, yiss?

Question Time!
Best gif usage?
What did you do for New Year's?
Can you answer at least three of the tag questions for me? I'm interested!

I love you all!

And here's to 2018! I hope it's wonderful for all of you. 


Saturday, September 9, 2017

Picture Saturday || September || 1

Hello everyone, 

The gaps between my posts seem to be getting longer and longer, and I can't figure out why, or how to fix it. 

This is one of the longest art slumps I've ever been in. 

And on top of that, I am always freaking tired.

And on top of that, I keep losing followers! (No duh, Treskie, that's cause you're never posting.)


I'm overwhelmed.

So that's what's new with me.

You guys want to see some of the least awesome drawings ever?



1.) Here we have Kate doing awesome things with a Glock.

 2.) And also a rifle.

 3.) And also from the floor. She may or may not be fighting for her life.

 4.) And here have some Tristan face studies, because he my favorite potato.

 5.) Cause yes, he's quite cool and has anime hair.

 6.) Also yes, hi, hello. Dang he looks good in a ball cap. *heart eyes*

 7.) Ooooh check out this random elf thing!

 8.) And this girl who's eyes are probably causing brain damage cause they're like 15 times too big. #idowhatiwant

 9.) I love you thiiiis much!

 10.) I'm starting to feel like everyone needs to pray more cause there are natural disasters everywhere.

 11.) I want a giant hug and stuff.

 Once upon a time I used to like what I drew. LOL aaah. Good times. So long ago.

Haha, it's currently my sister's birthday, so we had cake, we're watching Iron Man, and I'm beginning to seriously be in the mood for Civil War again.

I'm gonna try to post again next week, guys. Try and get a fire lit under me or something lol.

In the meantime, I have questions for you to answer!

(Cause I missed hearing from you...)

Favorite overall?
Best in black-and-white?

Favorite Tristan and Gang?
Best in color?
What are you guys up to?

I love you all!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Life Update || My Life is Boring

It hasn't really been that eventful of a life lately.

I mean yeah, I do things... on occasion. But mostly I like things to be quiet and not stressful, so not a lot's been going on lately.

Buuut let's see, since I last posted a life update, (in January! Horrors!) here's what's been going on!

1.) Right about the middle of January, it started to snow. And snow. And snow. It was probably the single biggest winter we've had in about 10 years. Now, being local to where I live, I grew up with giant winters, and even though it's been a while since we got that much snow, it wasn't that big a deal to me. Like, yeah, you had to wait for the plow trucks to come by before you can leave. Whatever. That's just a normal Tahoe winter.

It didn't occur to me that going so long without a proper amount of snow, the people in our little snow town would become pansies and forgot how to drive, shovel, and plow. LIKE YES, HI, SLOW DOWN, SHOVEL YOUR DRIVEWAY BEFORE IT GETS TO THREE FEET, AND FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY, PLEASE PLOW THE HIGHWAY BEFORE PEOPLE DIE. Thank you!

2.) Amy took this ridiculous picture of me and my horrible blue purse.

3.) I took a lot of pictures of snow when I was out doing deliveries. It was amazing and gorgeous and holy cow, I live here.

4.) Right before Easter I chopped off more hair, and it was absurdly short. I liked the way it looked, but I decided I prefer it when it's long enough to do things with.

5.) The lake had this gorgeous green line in it, and I was like, "WHAT BEAUTY!"

6.) I went to this creek quite a bit, before the run-off made it swell up and flood. It was nice.

7.) My boss got me this cup, and seeing as she got similar ones for Kat and Amy (that say "Sweetie" and "Grace" respectively), I'm not exactly sure what this means lol.

8.) My sister's family came up for a visit at the beginning of June, and I was finally able to meet my adorable godson, Charlie. He's actually the cutest little guy.

He made me very happy lol. LOOK AT HIS LITTLE SQUISHY FACE!

I took an awful lot of pictures while they were here, but I'm not sure how much Laura wants her kids' faces plastered all over the internet, so here, look at this one. We went to the Salmon Run and it was too flooded to walk all the way through. I've never ever seen it that full.

9.) About this point, I discovered that my hair was long enough to make anime updos.

10.) Amy and I went up in the gondola for the first time ever. (I know, we live here, but that's a tourist thing, so locals tend to stay away.) We had to do a wedding delivery, so we went up for free, perks of the job. lol.

I spent most of the ride going, "I don't like it, I don't like it, I don't like it, I don't like it.." because I'm afraid of heights and it's scary.

11.) I'm 22 now.

12.) The 4th of July was fun.

Kat made the coolest cake, cause she's awesome. 

13.) I got the prettiest picture of my mommy.

14.) My nieces came up for a couple days and we were really excited to be going for froyo.

15.) I manage the social media at the flower shop, and sometimes the only way to get a proper picture of a flower crown is to pose for it. (Actually if you guys like looking at flowers, you should follow us on facebook and instagram.)

16.) I FINALLY STARTED AN ART INSTAGRAM PAGE! And I post there almost every day, so if you prefer that way of seeing my art, please do take a look. #shamelesslyselfpromoting.

So yeah.. it hasn't been a hugely exciting first half of 2017. It's been kind of an tough year. Lots of good.. but lots interestingly things too.

That being said, I am currently watching Age of Ultron and munching on delicious popsicles, so that's a very good thing. 

There's a really good I've been listening to a lot lately, it's called My Girl and it's by Dylan Scott. You should check it out. :)

Question Time!
What's going on with you?
Anything new?
Have you heard that song? 

I love you all!