BOOM! An entrance Kuzco could be proud off. (Hurhurhur)
This whole new laptop thing is tricky, because the mousepad is in the wrong spot and I keep scrolling. And it is so annoying.
Anyway, Picture Saturday is back!
Mostly, it's all artwork that I did for Jack after reading her newest rough draft. (I am obsessed. I am freaking her out with how obsessed.) So if you guys don't care for these as much, I get it. :)
I'm not wild about these too... but... I figured I'd post them anyway.
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Those are lyrics from the Jekyll and Hyde musical. FYI. |
Yeah. *cough* And I have more ideas for others to draw. I need a life.
And then we have the pitcher that I actually really hate. Like.... the whole picture is just wrong.
Theeeen we have the really awkward one that I'm embarrassed to post. It's.... dark. I was feeling angry when I drew it. Don't you judge me.
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But on a happier note, we have the adorable couple. I love couples! (they remind me a little of Percy and Annabeth, but I didn't intend them to.)
And last but not least.... (And my favorite this week...) We have the quote that Amy asked me to illustrate.
I'm currently working on another picture collage like the Dance, Sing, Love one that I drew a few weeks ago. This one's about baseball. It's going to be fun. Anticipate! Eagerly! Lalalala!
Which drawing is your favorite? Did the death one freak you out?
I <3 <3 <3 the dark one!!!! And the last one because of the quote and the way you drew her skirt is so pretty! :D :D
ReplyDeleteNo way. Really!? No... no. REALLY? lol. Cool.
DeleteI LOVE THAT QUOTE SO MUCH. It made me so happy. XD
love, love, love!
ReplyDeleteThanks, thanks, thanks!
DeleteTHE DEAD ONE IS MY FAVOURITE. What does that say about me? OMG. I have become a sad little mean person but it's not juuuust my fault, I swear. I keep watching sad things. LIKE *cough* SUPERNATURAL. Then Sherlock was sad. And Prison Break is downright stressful. And OH OH. I also like the last one. I do. You draw such nice things. XD
ReplyDelete.... really!? THAT MAKES ME GIGGLE, AND I DON'T KNOW WHY. lol! I really liked how the dead girl turned out. *nods*.
DeleteYou sad little mean person. (that would make a good book title: The Sad Little Mean Person.) But yeah, watching sad shows tends to spark my evil illustrator, and then I draw stuff that will never see the light of day. XD
Sherlock had sad moments, didn't it!!? The speech John gave Sherlock's grave? The... "One more miracle, Sherlock, for me. Don't... be dead. Could you do that for me?" and I was like JOHNNYFAAAACE. *ehem* Prison Break is sad too. Like so sad.
I'm glad the last one was a hit. I *like* the last one. XD
I feel the need to go cry in a hole somewhere.
ReplyDeleteOr write a poem or a story or something that will get my emotions out. Wow. I am so over the edge emotionally. I BLAME YOU TRESKIE.
Actually it is a lot because of camp and what camp entails, but this just made it worse. And yet better. And it's so confusing.
Oh drat now I just thought about your sister's Bucky and Steve video. PHEELS ARE DESTROYING ME NOW.
But I am so so so so so excited for the baseball one because I love baseball so much (we are a baseball family, so it's so nostalgic and awesome). Speaking of baseball and amazing stuff, have you ever read the 100 Cupboards Trilogy by N.D. Wilson? Please do and freak out and draw pictures from it because that would pretty much make my life.
Also why haven't you drawn anything from King of Attolia? (or that series, but that one is my favorite).
I just like to get you to draw because I can't stand how much I love your drawings. They make me want to run around and be super hyperactive. IT HURTSSSSSS.
*runs around and is super hyperactive*
Iiiii'm gonna die here.
Also I wish I were super rich because then I would buy every picture you ever drew. Seriously.
you need to cry in a hole somewhere!? Why for!? AND WHY IS IT MY FAULT!??
Delete(why, what's wrong with camp?)
*Shows you who you are*
....... Yeah, I periodically go back and rewatch her video and cry sad tears.
WHAAAAAAAT, YOU LIKE BASEBALL TOO????? *tackle hug* NO ONE likes baseball! But it's like... my favorite! (We're a baseball family too. My grandpa was actually going to be a major leager. Like he was going to report for training camp. But he gave it up to marry my Grandma.... So my dad was into baseball a lot, and me...? I gathered the neighborhood kids into my backyard and we had games like every night. So yeah. Baseball is a big thing in my family. lol.) I HAVEN'T READ 100 CUPBOARDS! I want to, it's on my to be read list... but I haven't. IS THERE BASEBALL!? lol. I'll have to give a go and do fanart just for you. lol.
G'aaaaw, you like my drawings that much? *hugs* You make my life. lol.
I'd run around with you but like.. I don't run. lol.
I wish you were super rich too, because then you'd buy my stuff and *I'd* be super rich. LOL!
(did my last comment go through? if not that would be seriously sad but my computer is being weird)
DeleteWhich last comment?
DeleteRUE THE DAY IT MUST HAVE BEEN EATEN. Ah well. Anyway, the most important things were like, YES we are a baseball family. My brothers all play. And you should have a catcher in your baseball picture because that's my favorite position. And it would be soooo amazing if you read 100 Cupboards and did fanart. JUST SAYIN.
Delete*Yay, verily, yay!* I intone solomnly, at the sad loss of your comment. XD
DeleteAAAAH cool. How many brothers do you have? .... and I would have added a catcher, but I got it all drawn up before I got your comment, seeooooo. *cough* You will have no catcher.
I shall read 100 cupboards soon. When I have time again. XD
I have three brothers, one older two younger. And one sister, but that is beside the point because she doesn't play baseball. XD
DeleteAnd woe! Woe is me! No catcher. *sob* Oh well no worries. XD
Woot woot!
I only have one brother who's way older than me. *sniffle* But you have no idea how happy I am that you said BESIDE the point and not BESIDES! IT makes me SO happy.
Delete.... I'M SORRYYYYYYY. lol!
And then I shall probably email you and be like, "WHY YOU NO TELL ME ABOUT THEM SOONER?"
The 'death' drawing is actually my that weird? :D It's sad, yes, but it's also REALLY beautiful and passionate. MORE FEELS! GAHHHH!
ReplyDeleteYou can just....SENSE the love in that drawing. And the way her head is limply hanging back is soooooo realistic. I'm impressed :)
Sometimes I work best when I'm angry...I don't know why. Maybe it isn't just me?
.... No, apparently. So far, everyone's mentioned loving that one, so I guess it's good, and not too dark. LOL! I'm glad it was such a hit, I was NOT expecting it to go over well! XD
Delete.... Awwww. I'm glad it have you feels, and showed that they were in love (note *were*.... she is dead now. XD) I WAS SO PROUD OF HER LITTLE LIMP HEAD, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. *HUGS*
.... No me too. Some of my favorite artwork comes out when I'm too mad to care. XD
Ooo! I actually really like the sad one :) It reminds me of two of my characters (except switched).
ReplyDeleteReally!? Gosh. I'm glad you liked it! It was super nervous to post that picture. *grin* YOU KILL YOUR MALE LOVE INTEREST!? How could you!?
DeleteDido on the sad picture. I really liked that one. *whistles, "what's going on in that beautiful mind..."* And I LOVE the one you did for M-HE! It's awesome. Can I have that laminated please? :D It's lovely.
Delete.... Well I was not expecting it to be liked so much. lol! I dunno... weird things are going on in this beautiful mind... but I love their curves and all their edges. XD
DeleteTHE ONE I DID FOR YOU IS AWESOME, I THINK. .... Will you pay for the lamination?
Oh hai, soo I hardly ever post comments (on ANY blog, not just yours) but I reeaalllyyy enjoy your blog (every time I visit it, it makes me smile REALLY big) and so I thought I'd tell you how much happiness you bring me;) Even when you post sad drawings/photos (*cough the one up there *cough) it still makes me happy inside that you were brave enough to put that on your blog. Aaaand I sorta fangirl about the same things you fangirl about... Sooo we have this mutual appreciation thing going... Soo yeah;)
ReplyDeleteThat's all.
Eliiii! hai. :)
DeleteHehe, oh good, so I'm not boring you? That makes me glad. I'm so happy you enjoy mah li'l bloggy! I LOVE it when people tell me they like it. *cyber hug of mutual appreciation*
The sad drawing up there was *not* intended! I don't usually draw stuff like that! We swears. (but it has grown on me. like... I look at it and go, "mmm. Not too shabby"
Thankee for the comment!
I love the "Carry on wayward son." And actually I really like the "dark" one. It's sad and moving. But I especially love the last one! Her hair is so perfect.
ReplyDeleteI love the "carry on, my wayward son" too. I love that song, so when I was able to incorporate it into that pic, I giggled like a mad person. :D
DeleteReally!? I keep getting taken aback by how well the dark one is liked. *eyeballs my followers*
The last one is one of my all time favorites, her hair turned out really well. :)
I know right? I would have thought I'd be getting loads of comments with like, "Whoooa Treskie, you okay? Do you need some meds?" but no, everyone's like, 'YAY DEATH WOOOOO." and that makes me giggle. EXTREME FEELS DO TERRIBLE THINGS TO PEOPLE'S BRAINS. lalalala.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad the last one was a hit too! I *love* that one! Eeeeeh hair is fun.
Oh, I know I'll adjust, but the adjusting period stinks. lol. :)
ReplyDeleteYou know me, I am warped enough that I like the death one too. (I like the one you did with the Carry On song too, it made me happy. Happy seeing my characters in pain.)
ReplyDeleteYou're brilliant. You're so talented I'm always in awe of your skill. Just so you know.
Hehehehe. I know that all too well. lol. (I thought you might like the carry on my wayward son one.)
I love all the art! Especially the couples ones and the one with the lyrics to "Carry On." Err, I think that's what the song is called... Oh well, you know what I mean, right? I remember one time, way back in the ancient days, you made a tutorial video on how to draw braids which I really enjoyed! Do you think you'd ever do another one of those again?
ReplyDelete-July, from
Aww, thanks! I love couples. Couples are my go-to drawing ideas. :) Oh whatever, Carry On is close enough. (Just tack, 'my wayward son" onto it, and you'll have the entire, very long title.)
DeleteYou liked that video? Aw. It has nothing but dislikes on youtube, so I sort of thought it was rubbish. I can do another one if you wanted me to though. What did you want it on?
Wait, really? Huh. I wonder why? You should give it another go this time, maybe on the topic of faces or expressions? Just an idea ;P
DeleteIt does. It makes me sad. lol. :)
DeleteI'll Think about it! Maybe when I have more than one day off in a row.
By the way! I forget if I told you, but I nominated you for the Sunshine Award a while ago because your blog is just full of brightness ;P Here's the link:
Shucks. *kicks rock* You shouldn't have. LOL. Thank you! I'll see if I can do it this week or next. :)
DeleteYou're a really good artist! Also I nominated you for a blog award: Let me know if you can participate!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
DeleteAnd ooooh, awards are fun. *goes to look*